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Posts posted by jervismun

  1. Spent 15 minutes looking for a lost baby clam this morning :shock: Was crossing my fingers not to find the empty shells 1ft away (giant predator :pinch: ) Luckily found it hidden within the rock beneath... phew :whistle

    Must've knocked down by a snail or hermit... repositioned this little guy (far right in pix below)... this time even nicer location :)

    Must mention that I didn't apply a lot of glue... just a tiny bit to hold it temporarily to the spot... I only applied it to the side of 1 shell, not both... or they will have difficulty opening/expanding :pinch: Avoid the bottom part as the superglue can be corrosive <_< Of course the best is to let them mount to the rock naturally... but in my case... I have too many cleaning crews around... and a 1 1/2ft fall to the sand bed facing down during the weekends will do much more harm.


  2. Sharp eagle eye :lol: Seems like u r a avid sea fan "fans"? This pics from down up shot, sorry not so clear and the fellow is blooming most of the time. The fan is attached on a rock with a torny oyster as hitchikers :D So u gonna add more fans to ur tank ? Coral farm do always got nice and huge sea fans thou :yeah: And ya its quite intense purple color :rolleyes:

    Yupe... I love Sea Fans :D But seldom can find colour as intense and rare as yours <_<

  3. Very cool tank u have there bro, the black background is good contrast for your stuff.

    Thanks bro... yeah I am very pleased with it actually... really made all the back-breaking effort to restart the tank worth it... now the challenge is how to add more corals without causing visual clutterness... I want the tank to look pleasing and calming... definitely easier said than done (with all the temptations around) :eyebrow:

  4. yup!! y not stick some suns on the underside of the bridge?? looks cool... lol...

    Sun Coral... emm... never really like them actually... I find them demanding too much attention... both manual feeding and visual... they tend to fight hard for attention (like a troubled child) :shock:

  5. Hi Jervis,

    What do u intend to place under the bridge? :rolleyes:

    Emm... I have not really decided really... as I have the MH and the ATI PM T5 on at different intervals (overlapping for 3 hours)... the shadowed area will still get some light throughout the day... perhaps I should keep it empty :) In a fish tank... empty space is luxury :D

  6. Hi experience reefers out there, need to ask a question, to add those super bacteria, where do I put it, in the back compartment or in the main tank. If in the main tank just throw it at the sand or on the rock.

    One more thing what brand is good and price is cheap one too :paiseh:

    I been using Aquapharm Bacter Start... you can put it even on top of your filter floss... anywhere with sufficient flow will do... make sure you monitor your skimmer... or just off it for half a day :)

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