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Senior Reefer
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Everything posted by jervismun

  1. You can get the entire K series at Aquamarine... a sponsor here
  2. My nano temperature hovers around 29ºC to 30ºC ' What's ur solution bro?
  3. I just experienced my first BB... it's good if you have sufficient current... or else all the settled detritus can be quite an eye sore
  4. Yes... strong and thick just like this KOKO... KO Bough from CF today
  5. First harvest... went to an enthusiastic reefer
  6. Hey yours is not cooking then... there is really a process called LR COOKING
  7. Oh dear... you really cook your rocks? I have not experience it before... actually since your tank is not ready... you could've just starve the hair algae or introduce predators to get rid of them in your holding tank
  8. So true dude... haiz... what to do... Ok back to reefing... bro Tanggy mind sharing some details of your existing tank? As for your skimmer... personally I prefer needlewheel (or whatever fancy name some call it) as they consumes lesser energy
  9. Last pix of the day... phew... quite a lot actually... the Tunze skimmer is slowly kicking-in... I dunno why... I got a feeling this will take a while... probably too used to high capacity skimmers with their instant kick-in
  10. Most probably... unless something/someone made me change my mind Actually I have this crazy idea of covering the entire bottom with Green Star Polyps
  11. Since the water is completely from my existing tank and the Reefpack 200 been running in my sump no.2 for a week now... I figure I can add some spice to the tank... just to help the skimmer kick-in faster The rocks are from my sump no.1... oh I must remember to remove those macroalgae The colony of Green Zoas are there temporarily... will monitor it under my 27W PL... hopefully that will help me select my future corals/inverts for this nano
  12. Bro Sunny... yes I think it will be available locally pretty soon... do check out Tunze's website for local wholesalers and retailers If you are not in a hurry... do allow me to run this little guy for a week or two You can order from www.sewatec.com also... but the overall price to pay (esp. the freight charges) can be steep
  13. Good news... my lighting will be installed this weekend... finally... my SPS will get the light they deserve Will update you guys closely on this... cos both the Grotech Photon Plus lightset and Reeflux MH bulbs are new in the market... hopefully they will make a handsome couple
  14. Now this pix shows the ugly side of the Reefpack 200... microbubbles released by the skimmer... usually present at the running-in phase... well will see how Let's talk about the water... well basically I just added in 100% water from my main tank Plan to do weekly 50% water change from my main tank
  15. Thanks to you... I started another tank... inspiration bro... keep it coming... but feeling a little cramp already
  16. That's a good one... mine also 6 more dreadful years to go
  17. Emm... still can't make up my mind yet... will have to monitor the water temperature tomorrow... will add a Hydor Koralia 1 into the tank and get a better feel of the current... then only I can make a decision on what to keep
  18. Yes... she is a very unique piece... firstly both sides of her body bears unique pattern... then the missing tail... that's why I bought this pair actually I hope I can keep them for a very long time
  19. I know... someone must put a stop to it... someone
  20. True... I've seen some nice circular tanks in London Aquarium... they just swim (or rather float) round and round
  21. Here's another view of the Reefpack 200... love the surface skimming... very crucial for a nano tank without overflow... Will decide what to fill up the filter chamber with... probably some filter floss, activated carbon and PO4 removal media The 20W total power consumption is quite "nano" in scale... love it
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