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Everything posted by jervismun

  1. Your pH is already quite high... must be very careful if you are to try dosing Kalkwasser... if you really want to give it a try... dose in small amount at night as the pH tends to be slightly lower at night (no photosynthesis). As suggested by bro BH, you can also dose powder/liquid calcium... but they can be expensive (esp. if you have a large tank). Do follow the recommended dosage as overdose will affect other elements creating ionic imbalance. Do check your Magnesium level too as it will affect Calcium too. Another method is through water change... using salt mix with high Calcium and Magnesium. I've tested Marine Environment saltmix a couple of time and it offers optimum level of Ca and Mg... perfect for your situation. Do consider a CR for the long term... your Ca level is critically low... stop introducing new corals... in fact... you might even wanna consider selling off some of your stony corals to lighten the consumption rate (for the time being). All the best!
  2. Actually I do have an idea in mind... something that I always wanted to do... but can't do in my main tank
  3. Here's my ATI Powermodule... with temporary fixture... will do major work to this tank tomorrow
  4. Yeah... it's quite an eyesore actually
  5. Here's the built-in Juwel filtration system... actually it is quite redundant (for my case) and the pump that comes with it is way too weak to be useful... but I believe the pump consumes around 5W
  6. Decided to remove my Hydor foaming pumps from my skimmer for maintenance... found that the impeller is still very very clean... this pix was taken before washing The Hydor Performer 3000 is really low in maintenance
  7. So nice of bro Piero... yeah... it will sway to the current... really adds more life to my SPS dominated tank
  8. Happy to hear that bro... get her to start a thread too... we promise to be gentle with her
  9. I bought it from a freshwater LFS at United Square... why don't you drop by their shop? They have other models too... in different wood panelling But please note that this tank is not entirely suitable for marine fishkeeping... you might end up stripping the whole tank apart to make it work
  10. Emm... I still do not have any definite pix to show on this as the work has not complete yet... I am still using some temporary tubes for the time being... please bear with me for a little longer
  11. Emm... what I want to keep... well... alright... will fix the ATI Powermodul up asap
  12. Emm... LOVE was in the air? Let's keep this thread on top... I'm sure you will be able to find that "nice guy" soon
  13. Thanks bro... I actually can see my SPS looking happier now Here's a new softy introduced yesterday... Kenya Tree they call it It does look like SPS from a far... that's what I like about it... SPS looking without the high calcium consumption I was told by the LFS the colouration will improve further
  14. The only thing is... I suspect the Live Sand directly affecting my skimmer... since hooking up to my main system (yesterday) my skimmer been like this... I believe it must be the layer of bio-film that coated the grains of sand... will cut down on feeding for these 2 days... will update you guys further
  15. Yes... the water (not in big volume anyway) is believe to contain significant amount of beneficial bacterias The tank water may remains cloudy for 3 to 4 hours... don't panic
  16. Wah so angry until repeat twice Ok lah... Sis... no choice must say bye-bye to your Red Prata liao
  17. Seems like quite a bit of enquiries on my Live Sand... for more info you guys can click HERE This is a great product IMO... used 2 bags on my main tank sand bed... 2 bags in my sump (for dsb) and now 2 bags for this new tank Just love the "no need washing" part
  18. Nope the AR is very very light... basically hollow inside... gotto let water fill it up in order for it to stay in place Yes a small pump (1000l/h) to pump water from my sump no.2 to the new tank... then use an external overflow box
  19. Another beautiful Sailfin Tang... I am really considering getting a Sailfin for my new 2ft tank
  20. Real real fake fake... haiz... how to tell the difference?
  21. Here's a more-or-less-happy scaping... Just rotate that piece of Artificial Rock and added some smaller pieces from my sump. That's all Any comments is most welcome... I was very busy today... so didn't really spend too much time on it... just stack them here-and-there Already connected it to the main system... this will add another 120L to my 700L tank... making it 820L (216 US Gallons) in total If this tank turns out to be a success... I will get another Juwel for some other concept... since connection is simple and fuss-free
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