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Everything posted by jervismun

  1. An artistic shot of my SPS... the blurry effect was intentional
  2. Just an update... Jess and Steve are still very happy
  3. What your toy??? Here's a shot of my goby... still not eating and extremely shy
  4. Here are some shots using my new Sony Macro lens
  5. Wah you grew horizontally by so much? Last year you were still very slim
  6. Thanks... better pics will come.... hehe... bought a Sony Macro lense today Will not neglect my main tank lah... too big to ignore Seahorse is nice actually... maybe later once I manage to remove some of the LPS away... currently my Pratas are too colourful... doesn't look right for a SH tank
  7. The Firefish is really nice... so tempted to get a pair for my 2ft tank
  8. I only buy LS from one place ... nope... not ML
  9. Some Zoas... bro Jem... can you spot your Jade Rings?
  10. How about a ###### CLAM Keeping a colony of ###### Shrimp has always been my dream... now will start with 5 specimens
  11. What ya looking at??? It's rude to sneak up on someone's back like this
  12. A lonely Yasha Goby... this little guy is very pretty Will try to find it a companion-shrimp
  13. Suns??? Wah bro... you sure you have the time to keep your Suns happy?
  14. 1) Yes as explained by bro RD, large amount of coral chip will eventually turn into a Nitrate factory. As it will turn your organics into Ammonia, Nitrite too quickly... before your protein skimmer can remove them once and for all. So, high Nitrate is the end-product here. 2A) IMO, Denitrate by Seachem is not a must-have. If you system works, there's no need for such expensive product. Want to consider keeping macroalgae instead? They will help reduce Phosphate and Nitrate. As for product promises in reducing Ammonia and Nitrite... leave those your sand bed, live rock and etc. 2B) Don't worry, there will always be sufficient organic matters in the tank to help keep your aerobic bacterias alive... again usage of such product is not a compulsory. 3) Firstly, make sure your filter bag is not too fine (micro) as some are so fine it restricts water flow. As for the carbon releasing black stuff... well... they do somehow release "black stuff" at the initial stage... but different brands may give different results... therefore it is very hard to advise without knowing the brand you are currently using... but generally it should be save if you buy from a reputable/established manufacturer.
  15. No lah... just that the whole thing... like those TV drama... girl meets boy in a shop... then try to look for that boy... then finally found... that kind
  16. Well... here's the tank's first inhabitant (from the main tank) I've also transfered my Tridacna Gigas and Tridacna Crocea over... and some Zoas and F.Rics A Turbo Snail too... now this tank looks a bit like a dumping ground
  17. Hehe... I will go Goby hunting tomorrow... since I have very fine sand bed now Hopefully can get those paired Gobies
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