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Everything posted by jervismun

  1. Good selection of Gonios there... more more more
  2. Yes I remember... you need a Gramma, a Red Star and an injured Moorish Idol to complete the picture
  3. The 6000 is a tad strong for my fine sand bed... will do something about it
  4. Emm... I can see Finding Nemo in the making You need a Barracuda
  5. Yeah... it's actually Reef Roid mixed with distilled water... actually they are floating particles (very fine) circulated by an air pump inside this Aquamedic Brine Shrimp hatcher
  6. Read from an article... SPS polyps feed constantly throughout the day... not once every 2 days... therefore I am now feeding my corals automatically 24 times a day (1 hour intervals)... still under experiment
  7. No FTS as the tank is in a mess right now... well... will try to take some nice photos once I am done with the rejuvenation exercise
  8. Now do we have some local meeting where we can win stuff like that? Would like to try the Crab Gourmet
  9. Yupe... most SPS I believe... it's part of their defence system... some LPS does that too for example Cup Corals and Leathers... even F. Ricordia can slime real bad
  10. Haha... actually I don't have much meaty coral left in my main tank... only a piece of Red Prata that's all... will monitor it closely in the coming days
  11. Well most publications will label it as "with caution"... but Goldflake has one of the lowest tendency to peck corals among large size Angels... that's why I dare to take the risk really... worst come to worst... I will have to remove all my meaty corals from my tank
  12. This is a very interesting shot... 3 ###### Shrimps feasting on the algae/detritus accumulated on the back of my giant Turbo Snail
  13. Replaced the Tunze Nano Stream 6025 with a Tunze Stream 6000
  14. My latest fish... I think I will stop adding anymore fish for the time being... I might need to fire up a Denitrator soon as the amount of fish has risen significantly for the past 2 weeks
  15. Emm... I read it from some US forums and some of them did FW with good success... I think it will survive... since I've removed most of the tissue eating nudis
  16. This little guy (from Hawaii) is very entertaining to watch actually... also in the pix... recovering Purple Digitata on the right... and a new piece of Pink Birdsnest that doesn't look too pink (yet)
  17. Ok let me introduce another new fishy... I like it's black eye... like not enough sleep
  18. I know... this hobby is so entertaining... full of suspense and dramas... always come up with new things to explore and learn I got a feeling the SPS will survive
  19. The Montipora looks very stress after the dip... all slimy... but spotted my Foxface Rabbitfish peck on the slimes Will do another freshwater dip next week
  20. Shocked by its abundance... I proceeded to Plan B... freshwater dip for 5 mins I think those brown thingy are flatworms The worm-like creatures are actually red algae removed in the process of dipping and shaking
  21. Did a research on Montipora Nudis... and Yellow Wrasse is known to help control them... but I suspect the quantity could be too many for this little guy to handle as I always read about them being in the hundreds I flipped the SPS around and here's a bunch
  22. Yeah that's a real challenge in keeping SPS especially for those thick branches All the best to you bro
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