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Everything posted by jervismun

  1. Nice photography and a very nice first tank Just be careful with your Camel Shrimp as it may consume your soft leather coral... do check it out here
  2. Wah you guys a bit over dramatized lor Maybe it's my photography or my photoshopping... actually the Leopard looks kinda normal in terms of colouration... despite its rareness... probably that's why it is not very popular... in comparison to the other more colourful Mandarins
  3. Front to back? Emm... so your Tunze is now mounted very near the front panel?
  4. Yours more headache... 1 male 8 females Hope you won't get 2 males like my Blue Eyes
  5. Emm... a bit RA... let's not get to that
  6. Been auto-dosing coral food for almost a week now... the outcome has been positive in my opinion... here's what I'm doing now: Reef-Roid & Cyclopeeze: 150ml (divided by 6 servings a day) Phytoplankton: 150ml (divided by 6 servings a day) SPS been colouring up quite well this week... strange polyp extension observed too... this particular piece of Acropora extended like never before... and growth has been significant too Downside... although the extra amount of food doesn't have any effect on my water's nutrient level (using test kits) and doesn't affect my skimmer's performance in any way... I am now battling with diatom on my shell bed... perhaps the tank is adjusting itself
  7. Didn't feel anything at Mohd. Sultan... imagine... glass shatter during the quake
  8. I believe the green will become more intense once it accustom to this new placement... way to go
  9. You sounded a bit contradicting leh... fat belly but long long thin thin?
  10. Well at least your Powder Tang eating already... my PBT (been a week now) only eats Red Bamboo and pecking rocks till now Kinda worried
  11. But they still look skinny... despite all the good food... has anyone seen a fat fire goby?
  12. Haha... must try out different methods... at least this method has nothing to do with high-tech and money Here's a frontal shot of my Foxface Rabbitfish... extremely fat due to the recent abundance of food especially algaes
  13. I dunno if this is the "old" method... I just use a plastic casing from some packaging... make the lense stick to the inside of the plastic and submerge the plastic halfway into the water... i use flash as my hand is not very steady at such an angle... will try to improvise the method further
  14. Here's a behaviour I always wanted to catch on film... I think it's a sign of affection
  15. My most pretty fish... Goldflake Angel Eating like a pig already... even pellets Looking rather fat for a newly introduced fish
  16. My PBT still looking healthy without a single trace of ich... still refusing to eat any of my delicious feeding If it goes on like this... I will have to start farming my own Red Bamboo The Angel looks funny at the back
  17. Here's a pix of my recovering Kole Tang... it was hit so badly I was half expecting it to give way... but all the white patches (due to fight) are gone... fins are recovering... the force is strong on this one... indeed But the scar on its body may remains Battle scar they call it
  18. Emm... hopefully within 6 months Bad news guys... the plating Monti I FW dipped last week... didn't make it Lesson learned
  19. I am running 2 x 6100 too in my main tank... well I've already lower its power to 30% – 60% pulsing Here's a fish I bought last week... only get a chance to clear shot this afternoon... a Leopard Mandarin from my favourite fish shop
  20. Yeah... actually I kena "nail" Selected 3 pieces before asking price... thought good ol' price... then during payment
  21. Bro how are your Purple Queen doin? Can share your success in making them eat?
  22. A new piece of Milli I bought last week... awaiting longer polyps extension
  23. This piece of Acropora (?) is growing very well... and very compact... definitely requires sufficient current flow
  24. Finally... found a way to take top view pix without the reflections from the lighting above... will share my method soon The colour of this Green Staghorn looks too intense due to the added flashlight Still exploring the best way to do this kinda photography
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