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Senior Reefer
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Everything posted by jervismun

  1. This this happens to be a rare occurance... decided to share with you guys a few more shots
  2. I really dunno... one day I spotted these tiny little white hair... refuse to feed for 2 days... in hiding for 1 whole day... then the next thing... totally recovered Feeding and behaving as per normal I really dunno
  3. Here's my 2 Helfrichi... almost lost one... phew
  4. Don't act surprised We bought the PQs together Must thank you also for giving me the courage
  5. Err... Houston... what did you say? The line is... brea... king... u... p... do... call... back... once... you... get... back... to... earth's... stratosphere... which... is... in... year... 20... 40
  6. Houston we got a problem... we found too much BLUE SPS on Mars Let's break it with a piece of GREEN Not entirely unique but love the polyps extension... and they will react to my feeding... especially Roti-feast... fun to watch But one thing I notice is the base green is getting lighter... what's the possibility of it morphing to another colour? Say neon green or bright yellow?
  7. Darker as in more intense colouration? Do make sure your PO4 is extremely low and NO3 doesn't exceed 5ppm... that's what I am trying hard to maintain All the best!
  8. This is another piece from the same reefer... can some sExperts out there help me ID this piece?
  9. This is an interesting piece as I bought it from a senior reefer... he went to Irwana latest SPS shipment... but can't find a place for it... so ended up in my tank This is the first time I feature this piece
  10. Here's a piece from the recent Walt Smith shipment... colour still holding up well... despite caution from senior reefers
  11. Although the colouration is not very even at the moment... the bright pink polyps are beautiful
  12. 23 March 2007 20 January 2007 (2 months ago) Although the colour improved significantly... there isn't any visible growth Must be my low Calcium level and possibly small amount of PO4 (undetectable by Salifert) Looking back... who on earth will buy a piece of Pink Acro that looks so faded
  13. Time for some SPS update... took a lot of pictures today Let's start with this Blue Acropora 23 March 2007 30 January 2007 (almost 2 months ago)
  14. For more information on this pix... click HERE Cross promo
  15. Here's the problem with Arcti-Pods... as it contains Fatty Acids (supposedly good for the fish)... it affects my skimmer almost immediately (see skimmer neck) What I do now is to take advantage of the situation... since my skimmer will stop skimming for about 30 minutes, I will feed my corals at the same time also... been feeding DT's Oyster Egg (the most expensive coral food I've bought) every morning now Better than turning the skimmer off (as instructed) as most probably I will not remember switching it back on But again... I think Aquatronica can help me do that... just that I'm too lazy to read the manual For picky eaters... so far I've got the best result with Arcti-Pods... some reefers even claim success with Sea Horses
  16. Wah... gotto make space already... MAKE ROOM FOR IDEAS
  17. Love the gunk... if only I could taste it What's the total power consumption of your skimmer alone? Excluding feed
  18. Haha... today also feed a lot coz tomorrow might not go back office Their favourite is still Arcti-Pods Tried Henry's mix today... only take those tiny pieces... tried pellets but no luck Chopped seaweed also no response
  19. Err... you so full of praises... you wan free Zoas izzit?
  20. Thanks bro... PQs really live up to their reputation... they simply ignore food for the first few weeks... definitely not an easy attempt
  21. This is the second most challenging pursuit I've ever taken in this hobby... first being to maintain colouration for my SPS... introduced 9 specimens into this 2ft tank 3 weeks ago... with an intention of force feeding them to get them ready for my main tank. 2 died during the course of the 3 weeks (1 due to poor health with torn tail and fins, 1 gotten pop-eye)... been feeding them all sorts of goodies since day 1... without ANY success After a week, they seems to be reacting a bit to Cyclopeeze Yesterday, they suddenly started eating ArctiPods Today, frozen mysis and frozen brine shrimp My plan now is to continue feeding them constantly (I fed more than 10 times today, in small portions)... probably try pellets too... making sure they are all healthy and fat in order to survive in my main tank... with so many "hungry ghosts" around Will update for sure
  22. Been very quiet coz I am actually running a TOP SECRET project for 3 weeks now... I think it is time to reveal and share it with you guys PURPLE QUEENS!!!
  23. If all Anthias are the same... sooner or later the largest specimen among the school will slowly morph into a male... just wait and enjoy the transformation
  24. Yupe... I made a mistake there... the more passive specimen is looking very skinny now... probably will not last too long But the chasing has subsided Will update you guys further on this
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