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Senior Reefer
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Everything posted by jervismun

  1. Oh dear... really? My Helfrichi was attacked by a giant Bristtle Worm? I must find way to catch it then
  2. Long never post pix under this thread... ok here's my F. Ricordea corner... they are opening up really nicely nowadays
  3. This is a never ending problem/debate... I personally explored the idea before and found that it is not as straight-forward... coz it is almost impossible to keep our chiller and MH running under a UPS system Perhaps we need a small generator that runs on petrol
  4. Very nice! Can cut into half
  5. Great improvement in the lighting I must say... looks much better (less yellow) Your new blue polyped Sea Fan is nice too... I'm looking for a nice piece actually... do provide them sufficient flow and feed them if you can
  6. Someone selling a Prizm too... pricing looks attractive to me http://www.sgreefclub.com/forum/index.php?...=0entry641492
  7. My suggestions: 1) Since you have to SAVE for it, I will suggest you proceed with care. Since you water volume is quite low, any of the above mentioned protein skimmer will serve you well (yupe that includes the Prizm). If you earn $200 a day, then go for the most expensive skimmer you can find since money is of no concern 2) It really depends on your tank bioload also (what kinda fishes, quantity, size and feeding habit). I will suggest for your tank size, try not to overstock regardless of what super skimmer you will eventually get. 3) Go for the largest hang-on skimmer you can afford right now. Coz you might upgrade to a 2 x 2 x 2 in the near future and the best is not having to upgrade your skimmer again. In this case, I will go for an affordable high capacity model instead of an expensive small capacity model (that is if you only have X amount of cash to play with). 4) Since your current tank is quite small, I will suggest get a skimmer that is completely off tank (outside tank)... the Aquamedic skimmer requires you to place a rather large pump inside your tank... taking up precious real estate. I'm sure there are more... I shall let other reefers contribute further All the best bro
  8. Hi bro Don't mean to be rude... but I will suggest you reconsider your plan... and get your son something else instead. Reasons being: 1) Most of us adults are still trying our very best everyday to keep the fishes alive and happy... it shows that it is not an easy task although it may seem rather simple. 2) Your intended water volume is too small. In my honest opinion, only experienced and dedicated reefers can pull off with such small volume of water as the need for water change is great. All parameters will experience extreme fluctuations day in day out in such small volume. Making it very difficult to sustain. 3) Four to six 2" fish is definitely not a sustainable quantity. Do remember those 2" fish will grow into 4" within 6 months. I will suggest, keeping the bioload really low with maybe 2 fish for 6 Gallons, and max 4 for 12 Gallons. 4) To witness dying fish is demoralizing enough for us adults... I suggest don't let your son witness it... or worse... to remove half consumed/rotten corpses from the tank. I'll suggest getting your boy a freshwater tank instead. They are more hardy and less sensitive to fluctuations. All the best!
  9. Emm... should I try? I do have an Elegance though (with four wheels)
  10. Wah... what's wrong with PINK ######!!! Why must mention my name? I just don't understand what's wrong with PINK ######... even if it not PINK... YELLOW ######, BLUE ######, PURPLE ###### and GREEN ###### also acceptable lah... just make sure not the usual BROWN ######
  11. 120W for that amount of skimmate? Not bad at all I must say... love it
  12. Yeah you guys stop diluting my tank thread You guys should go www.sggayreefclub.com
  13. Yahor... sounds like it... without me realizing it
  14. Yeah that piece of Xenia been there for ages... but that is brown... the piece I bought is blue/silver
  15. I really have no idea bro... but it is definitely beyond just cosmetic... coz it went into hiding for 1 day... refuse to eat for 2 days... then suddenly goes back to normal in day 3
  16. Yeah that place got charm I bought a nice piece of Xenia from GO last week and its amazing
  17. Well I guess that's the most important... that your corals are opening up happily Can see you are addicted to GO lately Any new shipment?
  18. Only now I read your EQ list... you upgraded your wavemaker to a Nano 6025? Is it sufficient coz I'm using one for my 2ft Juwel tank and it doesn't seem to be sufficient for a mix reef tank Any plans to get a 6045
  19. Yeah... that's why they wear purple
  20. Err... all my 7 PQs look like your MALE specimen leh Just kidding Oh now I know how to see... let me go back office tomorrow to try spot any MALE... hopefully not more than one
  21. Flame you? For what? Unless you are talking about how jealous i am of your big fat PBT
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