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Everything posted by jervismun

  1. Wah you spy on me That piece can't really see clearly as the water is too cloudy And a little too big for my tank unless I FRAG it (haha... sorry SPS fever) Bought this amazing piece since I need to add YELLOW to my tank... not a large piece... but it opens up real nicely 2 ways... should be around there lah
  2. Don't worry lah... just for precaution only Must thank you for your insider info this morning... that 50km travel is definitely worth it
  3. Yes you are being very lucky... your water quality also contributes to the success... coz a feeding fish can still die in less than desirable conditions
  4. Oh I forgot to mention... do freshwater dip first before introduction into your tank Wah got Gems to share...
  5. Personally I think FR is essential. It will bring out the best of your PO4 removal media (usually very costly) compared to placing them in a stocking bag, chucking them somewhere in your sump tank. As for CR, it really depends on how quickly your corals consume Calcium in your tank. Take my SPS tank for example, the amount of Ca consumed simply makes it hard to just relying on dosing (liquid or powder). But do bear in mind thta CR is one of the most expensive set of equipments (as it requires many parts, both lowtech and hightech) and most tricky to tune... definitely require some basic understanding, luck and problem solving skills
  6. Wah I'm so touched... got pineapple shape frag or not?
  7. No lah... it's just my own principle... since I have not understand the "cause of death"... I will attempt again once I know for sure what actually went wrong the first time round
  8. Here's my Bi-colour Blenny... lucky I managed to catch and move it over to this tank... a senior reefer told me... Bi-colour may peck/consume SPS polyps But the way he seeks refuge inside the rock is very entertaining to watch
  9. Moved my Xenia over from my main tank as the flow here is much more suitable... here's a video of it... can you spot the ###### Shrimps?
  10. Here are my Purple Queens... appearing in video for the first time!!! Feeding frenzy... well almost
  11. No bro... that Pineapple (aka Acorn) suddenly turned white and slimey on the 4th morning Don't dare to attempt again lah... will improve my tank condition first
  12. This is the best part of Aquatronica... it will detect any new probes (electrodes) connected to the system
  13. Bought another Temperature probe since my old one is already more than 6 months old... just as back up... no harm having 2 temperature readings... 1 in display tank... 1 in the sump It comes with a very good suction cup btw... the best I've ever come across
  14. Wow another exciting toy... do update us on the setting up of it
  15. Immediately occupied by my lighting system... took up 5 sockets as they are all individually on/off at different timing of the day
  16. Added another Aquatronica Power Unit to the system... luckily the computer allows up to 10 Power Units... that is 60 sockets + 90 probes
  17. Here's my lovely Walt Smith Table Acro
  18. Oh dear... gonna take lots of patience But I'm sure sis can see through it
  19. But I think most importantly is the fact that the Green Milli (aka Durian) is growing with very good polyps extension Although the closeness to the glass panel will restrict its growth in weeks to come
  20. Wah bro... you bad leh I dun think the pix was a result of photoshop... probably the camera is confused by the lighting or was set to a different mode... and photoshop experts will make sure the coralline algae remains purple But a lot of work
  21. I believe you changed your bulb/s coz the background colour is different... especially the coralline algae
  22. Nope, I do not have any contact in making curved glass panels... but are you sure you want to make your tank curved? Coz curve tanks are bad for photography (esp. macro) and it can also make cleaning a little bit more difficult. Hehe I always kill other people's imagination
  23. Another piece of SPS to share with you guys... Before (one month ago) After (today) Looking good... let's give it another month
  24. Yes bro Lyz77, installed a UV about a month ago... no bro Godzilla... no Ozone Generator yet... but might add in the future
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