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Everything posted by jervismun

  1. Haha... just came back from another Lone-Ranger expedition... found GOLD!!!
  2. Nice... FRAGS ORGY PARTY Love the pink ballast too... fabulous
  3. Oh... that I really dunno... you should check with those that have direct experience with your brand of denitrator... if you are using bacteria-based denitrator... it should run-in quite quickly since you have a high NO3 level... plenty of anaerobic bacteria food to jump start the cultivation process
  4. I've been very hardworking for the past few days... will reward myself by going LFS tomorrow morning Let's hope that I can find anything interesting... and of course... need to get Red Bamboo
  5. Neither one of them... dun try to hide lah... must share happiness with others lah
  6. Whatever it is... already moved the Hermit to the 2ft tank (aka dumping ground) Thanks for the explanation though
  7. Emm... reminds me of something... something familiar... day in day out kinda thing
  8. Quite possible as I broke the Staghorn from its base the other day and attached it to the rock using epoxy... possibly some dying polyps there
  9. Found something very very strange lately... Study the pix below, can you see a snail stucked in between the Staghorn branches? (lower portion) That relative large shell is actually a Blue-legged Hermit... I noticed it in this position 3 days ago, moved it down to the sand bed twice already... and yet it this is the 3rd time it attach itself to the Staghorn in the same position, same orientation I didn't know Hermit consumes SPS... what do you guys think? Btw the shot was taken with only the left MH switched on... that's why you see shadows on the right side... simulating poor lighting design for SPS
  10. Very very bad Sun Coral... I offer $5
  11. Bro 50ppm NO3 still a bit on the high side for your fishes and your LPS/softies... try to bring down a bit lah
  12. BIG RED YUMA I didn't see it leh... and my tank is too "prestine" for Yumas Just a joke: Probably the Yuma will do better in my skimmer collection cup
  13. True... sis Waner been very active lately... I wonder where she got the space to hide all her GEMs
  14. Aiyo... I introduced it last year... 8th November
  15. A Stream 6000 will be fine with suitable pulsing
  16. Solve the pro? I have moved my 6000 back to my SPS tank as I need extra power there... right now just running a Tunze Nano 6025, it really depends on what you intend to keep and your substrate grain size... personally I will say 6000 is not too strong for your 2.5ft tank if used with a controller (with pulsing of 30% – 100%)
  17. Here's my third Sea Fan... bright orange in colour... but the polyps have yet to open Will post some close-up shots tomorrow In the meantime... enjoy my Black Tang
  18. Yeah I am very curious also... especially once it touches the water surface... do keep us updated
  19. No wonder the surrounding looks much bluer
  20. Quite... at least high enough to bring food to them
  21. Wow!!! Try feeding ur Rics with Phytoplankton... a potential $1000 rock in the making
  22. Here's the FTS with the yellow Sea Fan in view... here's another red Sea Fan with white polyps Totally shaded by the overhang rock... the flow inside is quite high too... perfect for Sea Fan
  23. As planned... placed it under a piece of overhang rock... coz can't possibly place any SPS there... and the flow is quite high (this is a side tank view)
  24. Never seen this yellow Sea Fan before... the branch is dark red in colour Can still see the dark red branch if the polyps are not fully open
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