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Senior Reefer
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Everything posted by jervismun

  1. Emm... let me calculate... sometimes I will replace Rotifeast with DT's Oyster Egg... sometimes will add ArctiPod to the list... and replace Cyclopeeze with Reef Roid
  2. Yupe... considering all the other goodies I feed daily
  3. Here's another piece... but it looks more orange when the polyps are closed
  4. How often do you see such crazy polyps extension?
  5. Wanna see some crazy pix of Sea Fans? Here is one of them... 15 mins after I fload the tank with 1/2 teaspoon of dried Cyclopeeze (packaging in shiny/gloss label)
  6. Sure... just post some clear pix... but I'm actually better at giving SPS nicknames
  7. Yes I bought a Koralia 1 and Koralia 2 many months back... no problem New SPS from? UPDATE!!! Make me drool
  8. Started dosing Aquapharm 5-in-1 Coral Food yesterday... can see polyps reacting positively Here's today's menu (for fish and coral) FISH 6 cubes of frozen mysis and 2 cubes of frozen brine shrimp (divided into 2 servings) 2 rounds of pellets using auto-feeder (about 1/2 tea spoon each round) Soaked in Seachem Garlic Guard 1/2 teaspoon Aquapharm chopped algae (mixed with frozen mysis) Julian Sprung Green/Red/Purple algae on suction-clipper Red Bamboo CORAL 1/2 teaspoon of dried Cyclopeeze 2 teaspoons of Rotifeast 15ml Aquapharm 5-in-1 (dosing pump divided into 4 servings) 20ml Kent Marine Phytoplankton (dosing pump divided into 4 servings) Grotech Korall A, B & C I also practice feeding a wide variety of food... I usually do not feed the same thing for 2 straight-days
  9. I am very happy today... despite all the feeding (which I will share with you guys later)... my NO3 remains at a low 0.2ppm. Salifert test kit... reading from the side... value divided by 10 Behind is my excel spreadsheet that helps me keep track of my tank parameters I think my protein skimmer is to be given the credit
  10. Yeah apparently this piece is quite difficult to keep its colour... I was told by a senior reefer
  11. This is a lovely piece... started as a very pale pink Millepora... now turning into intense pink/red with orange tips This piece has great potential... will take good care of it
  12. This is my favourite piece... I call it Pink Caps... somehow reminds me of french caps (strawberry flavoured)
  13. Yeah I think this Squamosa will stay in my tank for many months (if not years) to come Some top view shots Sis Waner, you remember my Monti with grey patch? That patch is gone The piece on the left is from Walt Smith... looking more pink
  14. I will say Hydor fares much better in a lot of areas... as for the recall... it is most unfortunate... but again, only responsible will admit and ask for a recall... Toyota does it, Apple does it, Sony does it
  15. Emm... I dun really know the exact name... but they grow rapidly Btw, here's my recent fish list MAIN DISPLAY TANK 1 Powder Blue Tang 1 Black Tang 1 FoxFace 1 GoldFlake Angel 2 Helfrichi Firefish 7 Purple Queens 6 BlueEye Anthias 1 Mandarin 1 Leopard Mandarin 1 Flame Hawk 1 Falco Hawk 1 Algae Blenny 1 Mystery Wrasse 1 Kole Tang 2 Perculas 1 Red Scooter 2FT TANK 2 Firefish 1 Yashia Goby 1 Rainfordi 1 Purple Queen TOTAL = 34
  16. 1 1/2 weeks worth of harvest... gotto do it regularly as this is the only true way of exporting PO4 and NO3 (the natural macroalgae way)
  17. A bit busy for FTS... how about a shot of my Squamosa?
  18. Yeah... he is skinny... still relying solely on algae Will have to change tactic soon
  19. It is quite large actually... its jaw can easily swallow a small Cleaner Shrimp It's at least 3 1/2" long
  20. Like that nothing to update liao... don't chase me for more pix Btw... here's a nice shot of my giant Black Cap... been with me for almost a year now... usually very hard to get a macro shot
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