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Senior Reefer
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Everything posted by jervismun

  1. Yeah... take it slow... it's too easy to overstock our tanks nowadays... not much fun left for the coming weeks
  2. Went to a senior reefer's open house this morning... major update tomorrow
  3. My Algae Blenny only eats algae Your's eats everything?
  4. Like the idea of a series of pix just to feature a fish Is she pregnant?
  5. Be patient guys... maybe something very serious happened... all the best to the FIXING team
  6. Nope the prefer low flow... they are usually found on lagoon bed... murky water http://www.liveaquaria.com/product/prod_di...?pcatid=461&N=0
  7. I''m looking for a nice piece of Elegance too... but don't think I can find a low flow spot for it in my main tank... all the best!!! More pix of your Elegance
  8. Got your sms The Anemone stay put... not even a single inch... in a way I can assume that at least the Anemone can't tell the difference That's good news Will continue to monitor it closely and keep my fingers crossed
  9. This only shows the sheer size of bro Ken's tank And those Purple Queens are looking really healthy
  10. Forgotten all about this pix taken 2 days ago... it's a funny sight (taken under my old lighting)
  11. This is one piece of Walt Smith that is extremely hard to hold its colour... I was told by seniors... been giving it the most MH but still browing at its core Let's see if the new T5 will improve the colour in the coming weeks I am so happy now... at least my pix came out closer to reality... without having to do much editing
  12. Ok I will do that... can't wait to see them colour up actually Here's a side view of my tank
  13. Nice prata... bro why are you posting your prata under my tank thread?
  14. Something to reveal... I've done something major to my tank today Refer to my signature below for more info
  15. Nope... I might pay him a visit tomorrow
  16. A PTS (partial tank shot) taken today...
  17. If I'm not wrong... Kole (like Chevron) belongs to the Bristletooth family
  18. Haha... I have a similar Kole Tang with battle scars at the beginning... bullied by my Black Tang... fully recovered already but still very shy
  19. Lot's of SPS already... bro you only running 4 T5 tubes? I suggest you stop introducing new SPS... observe your existing colonies for a few weeks for any sign of browning
  20. Agree... partly becoz I dun have kids... Joke: With this hobby... who needs kids?
  21. Partition tanks are always beautiful...
  22. Nice! Another new tank to admire
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