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Senior Reefer
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Everything posted by jervismun

  1. Birdsnest or Stylo? A gift from a senior reefer... slowly growing Some polyps turned brown after the "sauna" incident... I think it will recover
  2. I am still using the same return pump (will do major maintenance next week) but I've diverted my FR outlet direct to main tank (with around 1500l/hr) as a back up. Will divert my chiller pump outlet to the main tank for better effcienciy and as second return pump
  3. That's a very thin looking wrasse I have not seen one in LFS before
  4. This guy not newly introduced I think it is affected greatly by the incident
  5. Red Ruby Zoas... been with me for almost a year now
  6. My common-looking Zoas... but I like the GSP growing on the same rock
  7. Coco acting strangely for the past few days Not opening at all
  8. My Walt Smith Pink Pocci Still looking good even after the "sauna" incident
  9. 1 piece only? Not very helpful leh Will try to source for it tomorrow
  10. You guys are really imaginative Here's my Purple Lobo with pastel green center
  11. Yeah can see Ken spent a lot of time ID-ing his SPS coz they can get very hard to identify sometimes
  12. Wait till u see what it did to my Milli... those "botak" white tips
  13. they are much much much more easier to keep than PQ...mine started to feed on pellets on day 1 already...
  14. I might try Bartlett in the future... but how's their survival rate compared to PQ?
  15. Very happy today... caught this guy out... despite the macro shot this crabbie is quite tiny... the size of a typical Acro Crab
  16. 23 hours with 1 hour break Am I against Labour Law?
  17. Yupe... the rest just MIA... one by one Will not attempt PQ anymore
  18. Nice Valida... I think I have a piece too (a gift from a reefer)... that Yellow tipped Green Milli is nice
  19. It is really brilliant!!! Good buy
  20. I don't think you need to worry too much about your Hammer... it will take time to fully bloom... is it getting high current flow?
  21. Thanks sis... nothing compares to your 9 ###### lah Introducing my most rare SPS... Purple Coralinopora Might put it up for bidding next week
  22. Haha.... yeah... something green As green as this? The recent higher nutrient level is really fueling growth
  23. As requested... here's a casual tank shot... in impromptu style Emm... the Coco Worm been acting strangely lately
  24. Emm... you have ideas that will probably fit better in larger tanks... for a 2ft tank (or cube)... I'll suggest you take away some ideas so that you can still have a theme in the end of the day... not Rojak
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