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Senior Reefer
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Everything posted by jervismun

  1. Hi reefers Selling Price: $20 Reason for selling: Clearing my 2ft tank for new concept! Source: Bought from GO more than 3 months ago. Condition: Healthy! No dead head! Collection: Mohd. Sultan Road (latest next week before Friday) Note: Pix taken yesterday under 3 x ATI Aquablue Spezial + 1 x ATI Blue Plus.
  2. First response came in... by a bro K May 27 2007, 12:16 PM ur zoo 80dollars if ur keen tell me .
  3. Gotten a few interested enquiries but nothing confirmed yet... anymore interested reefers?
  4. Hi reefers Selling Price: Please quote me a reasonable price Reason for selling: Clearing my sand bed so that my SPS can stand out more. Source: Bought from a senior reefer many months back. Condition: Very healthy, nudis free and been growing steadly! Even the rock that comes with it is in superb condition Closing Date: Not determined, as long as offers reach a reasonable level. Collection: Mohd. Sultan Road
  5. Finally manage to ID this piece with the help of reefers from RC Acropora nasuta It looks better everyday... especially under blue lighting
  6. I will be there around that timing also... look for a guy wearing a white cap with a Ralph Lauren horse logo
  7. Bought 3 pieces of Montipora Digitata this morning... trying to fill up the lower portion of the tank with more coloured sticks Picture taken 15 minutes after introduction... obviously no polyps extension yet
  8. Hi reefers Selling Price: $40 Reason for selling: Clearing my sand bed so that my SPS can stand out more. Source: Bought from GO more than a month ago. Condition: Very healthy! Collection: Mohd. Sultan Road (latest next week before Friday) JeĀ®vis
  9. Seriously... can you do business in there anymore?
  10. Bro you got crystal ball ah? Can help me see my future?
  11. Yes bro... they are very nice... the best part is shown in this pix... my fishes have always been very spoilt... will never touch tiny pieces of food and floating food... glad the Chromis gang "filters" the unwanted food before they end up in my filter floss Feeding in action... Mystery is happily back in action Can anyone spot the Blackie?
  12. My tank is so lively now... thanks to Swiss reefer Iwan Lasser for the inspiration Immediately "fren-fren" with my Helfrichi pair
  13. It's an event-ful day today... lots of update tonight Let's start with a very daring step I took this morning... a school of Green Chromis They form a "ball" when first introduce into my tank
  14. Is there a typo bro Hammy? Kenyo "selling" CR media? I believe bro Kenyo drips Kalk at night to reduce the pH gap at night... or possibly using it to help reduce phosphate
  15. Wow a truly African beauty... upzzzz
  16. Too busy the whole day... no chance to take any pix for updating Maybe share with you a pix of my Red Staghorn (bought from a senior reefer 2 months ago) in feeding mood
  17. Thanks bro...err... sis... it is so faded right now... I dun think there are 5 bars left
  18. I can't introduce anymore Tang into my main tank... got a feeling my Blackie will whack it first... followed by my PBT and Kole
  19. Thanks bro... photography is my second hobby btw
  20. If you have Clown Fish hosting it... try to feed some large pieces of meat... if the Clownie can't swallow it... it will bring that piece of meat back to the anemone to feed it
  21. Err... I dun have to save up lah... just tell me where to get it But the problem is... I have too many Tangs already... maybe I will put it in my 2ft
  22. PBT still doing well... is it considered "pang pang"? That piece of luminous yellow tabling Acro at the center looks bleached in pix (over-exposed) because it is very bright in colour... will move it to my SPS tank no.3 next month I think this piece will look nicer top down... which is exactly what my SPS no.3 is all about
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