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Senior Reefer
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Everything posted by jervismun

  1. Hi reefers Selling Price: $60 Size: Larger than fist size, nice round shape. Reason for selling: Clearing my sand bed so that my SPS can stand out more. Source: Bought from GO more than a month ago. Condition: Very healthy! Collection: Mohd. Sultan Road (let's arrange timing via PM)
  2. Hi reefers Selling Price: $60 Size: About fist size. Reason for selling: Clearing my sand bed so that my SPS can stand out more. Source: Bought from GO more than a month ago. Condition: Very healthy! Collection: Mohd. Sultan Road (let's arrange timing via PM)
  3. Haha... I'll try to ID it when I'm a bit more free
  4. You can always consider cutting down on your lighting duration... you can also cover the tank with newspaper especially the side facing the window
  5. Very nice scaping... tons of potential... when will your cycle ends?
  6. How often do we pay attention to the little lifeforms that grow on our LR? To be honest... I seldom notice them Today is the day!!! Enjoy
  7. My beautiful Macroalgae growing on my LR... I glued it there actually
  8. Another video showing the Chromises and my Blue Flake Angel enjoying my Vortechs
  9. Well the only way to find out is to check all major parameters... but if all your other LS are doing well... perhaps due to bad shipment... sometimes they die not becoz of your tank conditions
  10. Oh dear... your sump got space? FW dip your Zoas and transfer to your sump (with adequate lighting) while you figure out how to eradicate the nudis... it's hard to tackle them now since there are plenty of food source around All the best bro!
  11. Finally some pix from you bro!!! That hairy Acropora is nice... I got one too... like a bush all the time
  12. Bro Lyz... I owe you so much... you see what you like... I deliver to your home Next weekend free?
  13. Your Chromis keeps hiding? Usually they are bold and dart around in the open... perhaps you have some very aggressive fish I feed them the usual fish food... they basically eat anything
  14. Hi bro... glad you notice my PBT... was a very picky eater (algae and red bamboo only) but eats almost anything right now... seriously I can't think of any fish food that this guy will not swallow whole I have 3 PQs actually (1 left inside my 2ft tank)... they do get very excited over feeding time... but only interested in frozen mysis, brine shrimp (basically meaty food), Cyclopeeze and Arctipods. That's why I can't rely fully on pellets/flakes even for a day... luckily my nutrients level is under control. Yes, PQs are extremely difficult... considering the fact that I introduced 10 specimens... only 3 survived For me... it's a great feeling to feed my fishes while at work
  15. Yupe... like building a scaffolding... amazing scaping skill
  16. Wah!!! you've been following my tank thread... I think you know where I "hide" all my Zoas frags
  17. Bro... since $130 is a lot of money for a colony of Zoas... I've decided to offer you a freebie when you come collect the Sunflower... a small frag of 7 to 8 polyps... something nice This is really fun
  18. Yes bro... you are the lucky winner!!! Bro Tazperlin... coz PS2 bid $130 first... I will have to honour his bid. Can I put you one waiting list? Thanks for all your time and appreciation
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