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Everything posted by jervismun

  1. What lighting are you using for your sump?
  2. Sis Waner.... this is for you... I know you can see it
  3. Yes... you think die or not? Got squeeking sound
  4. I know you can see it Here's how cruel I can be... Kalkwasser "face mask" for that annoying Aiptasia Kid's dun try this at home
  5. Wow! You got a lot of firepower (500W MH) for a medium sized tank
  6. Full and packed already... now what's ur next plan? A very large BlackCap you have there
  7. Oh yes... I think Waner will have some great "fun" with your award-winning mantis The other piece go to where?
  8. Bro if you suspect the absence of a chiller is killing your corals... why not do something about it? It will do your pocket and nature a lot more good to have a proper setup where corals will thrive... for example say within the next 3 months... you buy 20 pieces of $30 corals... that's already $600... down the rubbish chute... I hope I am not sounding too negative here... do let me know if you wanna discuss this further
  9. My right SPS mountain The colour balance is more or less there... just need time and plenty of Ca to encourage them to grow Can see my hidden Bi-colour Prata?
  10. Bro you have a lot of sick corals in your tank... try not to collect too many injured corals (even if they are FOC from other reefers) as these dying corals will impact your water... making it a great challenge in maintaining balance in the long run... all the best!
  11. Talking about gourmet... take a look at this Walt Smith Acro... amazing feeding tentacles!!!
  12. Err... bro looking at my raw materials... gotto be Gourmet pricing already
  13. Took 1 Acan... end up with a lot of free space?
  14. Omg!!! That Blasto is very nice I will have to give BN a skip in the future
  15. Finally found a great way to feed this Frozen Spirulina Formula... I will put a cube inside a small plastic cup... add some hot water... add the thawed frozen brine shrimp and mysis into the cup and mix... add some chopped seaweed... and ###### pellets (if needed)... Smells great! My fishies love it
  16. Another nice Zoas? Bro... you got taste hor
  17. What I meant was... does it have to be a birds cage Ok lah... I can see a bird inside the cage
  18. Man in a bird cage Does it have to be in that shape?
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