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Everything posted by jervismun

  1. Reshuffle things a bit... added a piece of rock on top of the left tower creating a cave... with such high rockscape... I wonder what corals should I keep... :eyebrow:
  2. Placed the 3 Baby Maximas on the bridge again as the Sand Dollar was disturbing them... hopefully they will stay put
  3. Yupe I under dose too... I currently only dose 50% of recommended value (as my tank is not fully stocked).
  4. Pipe Organ looking fabulous under blue/actinic :eyebrow: For dunno what reason my Hermits keep flipping over
  5. I bought them from Golden Octo... there are a still a couple of pieces left
  6. Yeah can't wait to see some sps pix
  7. They keep changing form all the time... just let them be
  8. Can't wait to see more updates... don't keep us waiting for too long
  9. The clowns did not even roam close to the RBTAs ;) I used a thin plastic sheet to move the smaller RBTA from the glass surface and place it nearer to the larger specimen... They really enjoy moving around
  10. I think I will take that as a compliment LPS is much more fun actually especially when it comes to feeding... seen here my Pearl Bubble Coral and Prata feeding small market shrimps
  11. Really? Emm... I thought those are quite common zoas... could it be the photography? :heh:
  12. Happy New Year to you 2 ... and yes... World Peace Will try to keep as much variety as possible this time round to broaden my knowledge and experience
  13. Hopefully will be able to find out within the next 2 days
  14. Bought this interesting piece of Cyphastrea serailia My first actually... so dunno what to expect
  15. Thanks... but I kinda find the bridge disappearing... will be covered by corals sooner or later
  16. Love the way you epoxy your Orange Montipora... very skillful
  17. Encouraged by the polyps extension (see above pix) I introduced this lovely yellow variant For more info, click HERE
  18. I was very pleased this morning to find my Soft Finger Leather Coral looking very healthy... I've never seen such dense polyps extension :ooh:
  19. Emm... will let you know if I decide to sell later
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