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Everything posted by jervismun

  1. Will take a clearer pix tomorrow Here's my Reidi checking out the Hermit
  2. They are yellow... just that the tail looks like tiger stripes... that's why I suspect Tiger+Tail Will post a clearer pix tomorrow for ID
  3. Added a pair of Pipefish last Friday... still doing well Seen here checking out the new Hermit (from main tank) to help stir the sandbed a little Emm... the Pipefish looks kinda bite-size to the Hermit
  4. Went to Cutejojo's place to collect the 2 SH this morning... nice meeting you A mysterious pix (moonlight) of the 2 SH... I suspect they are Tigertails
  5. Bro you need more cleaning crew
  6. Tank running for 8 years? Your tank must be one of the longest running tanks in SRC
  7. Transferred a Blue Linckia over from my main tank to help take care of uneaten food on the sand bed... this Linckia has been with me for more than 1 year
  8. Was shocked today as the Green Grape turned pale and rotten I quickly removed it from the tank and did a 30% water change... due to urgency, I've no choice but to swap water with my main tank
  9. But the amount and quality of skimmate is not up to expectation... no wonder I'm facing increased algae growth Will have to monitor both the skimmer and my feeding regiment
  10. Washing the skimmer collection cup for the first time... the neck is well covered with dark thick gunk
  11. Yes almost all macroalgae (if not all) will consume PO4 and a smaller amount of NO3... try to buy a piece first... if it grows well... get more You can consider Chaetomorpha and the fast-growing Caulerpa (spiky leaves)
  12. Oh my! I hope mine will not turn asexual anytime soon... dun think the system can take the excess toxin Yeah will try to collect more cute little gobies in the coming months
  13. Those SPS on top of the rockscape or light-coloured or white? The Blasto garden is very interesting bro... feed them well
  14. Marine Environment is a good salt... as for the PURII and SORB4... you can actually add them after you cycle your tank (or towards the end of cycle)... or else you will be needing a lot more than just those small tubs
  15. Nice setup.. bro really appreciate the side shows in your pix... especially your gf shot More pix to come please
  16. That Green Millepora shows a very nice form... you do have quite a bit of algae growing on your rock... do you have enough predator to those algae?
  17. I'm gonna get some nice Yumas for my RSM soon... thanks for the inspiration
  18. Intereting... I might consider that actually since I do not have any wavemaker
  19. Yes bro... raising ur SG to 1.024 is a good step
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