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Everything posted by jervismun

  1. Have you added any sand? That could explain the milky skimmate
  2. Seems ok so far... will monitor further... I purposely place the Koralia Nano high up to minimize the possibilities of such occurance
  3. It's a Koralia Nano... will be on sale pretty soon Here you go
  4. Let's zoom in a little at my new Green Montipora with Pink Polyps
  5. So envy of your deep purple colouration
  6. Fibre Optic (yellow base) Pocci from a reefer This guy prefers medium light and medium flow... perfect for mid tank placement... Bi Colour Prata in the background
  7. FTS with 2 obvious new additions... a Leather (with greenish polyps) and Singapore's first Hydor Koralia Nano
  8. Happy looking Rainbow Montipora... but the more it extends its polyps... the harder it is to see the blue base So contradicting
  9. My Flame Hawk resting under an unidentified bluish Acropora
  10. Doctor? Hehe... here's a piece that recovered very well under my care... Purple Digitata 15 Jun 07 (days after I acquired it from a reefer, very stress due to transfer) 25 July 07 (slightly more than 1 month later) Quite substantial growth in 1 month :thumbsup2:
  11. Didn't realize the Pink/Maroon Milli has grown so much 6 May 07 25 July 07 (less than 3 months) There's a bluish tint on the polyps too... hopefully they will turn blue
  12. Very happy today... finally the SPS I've been waiting for (for months now)... bought from a reefer Look at those pretty pink polyps
  13. Stay tuned to sponsor announcements... we can go chiong together
  14. You have such a nice stand for your aircon compressor? For a while there I thought it's your tank cabinet
  15. Pipefish enjoying the Frozen Cyclopeeze too
  16. Welcome to the CLUB!!! I've learned quite a bit these few weeks... if you wan my input in designing a SH species tank... just give me a buzz And I will happily transfer back the Tigertails to your new tank once it is ready.
  17. Thanks bro... here's a video showing one of them feeding on Frozen Cyclopeeze The feeding SH turned whitish... the yellow specimen still not eating
  18. Here's a closer look at this beauty... it does look like Tigertail to me
  19. Thansk for the idea... I think I will try to feed Daphnia to my Seahorses and Pipefish too
  20. So jealous of your Catalina Is it eating yet?
  21. Yeah... SH are very interesting creatures... they have so much character
  22. I purposely chose the largest specimens so that they won't appear bite-size to the SH Actually at that size... they ain't cute anymore
  23. Your Red Head Goby is quite "long" looking... is it feeding well?
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