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Everything posted by jervismun

  1. Sorry Is the CL280 quieter than Teco RA240? Price wise, the Teco is 4 X more exp.
  2. Is 1.021 too low? I know some reefers keep their tank at constant 1.023. What say you?
  3. Wow looking picturesque! I own a 24g NC too, u sure u can fit all those into a 24g? It does look larger to me in the pics. I guess you've succesfully master the art of Nano then, just like Bonsai, a successful Bonsai tree is suppose to look like a full-scale tree... congratz! Hey what causes the crash? Can you share with me as I might do the same mishaps too. As for me, I don't think I can have such great beauty, I can't afford a crash as it will give my partner an extremely good excuse to kick my NC out of the house. So must be extra cautious... so will be extra conservative too in terms of stocking. Do visit my threads
  4. Let me try to figure out... Setup cost - $20k to K25k Electricity bill - $500/m Water bill - $250/m Maintenance - $1000/m Food - $250/m Extraordinary expenses - $1000/m Wow I need to allocate $3000 a month to be able to maintain that tank. That is without buying new LS! lol Ok I will never ever ever be able to afford it... rather get myself a Mercedes SL-500 or a Porsche!
  5. So will the high Nitrites/Nitrates do my cleaning crew harm? Thinking of getting more tiny hermits and snails later from LFS. I placed some of the Chaetos inside my main tank, hooked onto some rocks near the surface. Kinda like the look of it. I know they will multiply... since I am not planning to keep much coral (for the first 6 months), will it do the tank any harm besides looking like a sewage, lol. I will introduce more Macroalgae especially the grape, I really like it (saw in a reefer's tank). Is the grape safe to keep?
  6. As requested by fellow reefers, here's a 360º review of the Tunze ReefPack 500. Retailing at around S$800.00 (complete set). I will start the review tonight! So do tune in...
  7. I just ordered a Teco RA240 last night online, have not paid. So, please do share with me about this product. I can always cancel the order I guess.
  8. As requested by Melvyn Tan earlier, I will start a review on Tunze ReefPack 500 today. Just go to the usual product review section In general, this is a great product... 2 thumbs up!
  9. I am getting kinda low Ammonia readings but very high Nitrates instead. I have yet to get hold of a Nitrites test kit (will get today). Is that an indication that the cycle has begun and the ammonia hike is already over? I suspect I have a very high Nitrites. Phosphate is high too, added RowaPhos sponge last night. This is my first cycle, appreciate guidance from you guys
  10. Firestarz: Those Chaetos will need some form of light to stay healthy right? Maybe I can minimize the no. of hours, currently running 4 - 5 hours (7pm - 12am). I will possibly get my chiller today anyway... so what's the best temperature? 26ºC or 27ºC? Oh I found another small snail among my rocks. Will try to get a pics for ID later
  11. Finally got the Tunze Osmolator fixed. The 10g container u see contains a small pump that will deliver water automatically to my tank. Great gadget especially for those travelling a lot
  12. Finally got the Tunze Osmolator working. It's quite a hassle to get all the sensor, emergency stopper, cables and tubes properly set up. Did a test run just now, it works! No more manual water topping for me... except to the 10g container, lol. This is good especially during holidays. The Tunze ReefPack will work well if the water level is to be maintained constantly. Will you guys recommend adding a bit of salt into the 10g container? (read it from somewhere) Also, some people add Kalk into the container, what's your opinion? Do I need to look at adding calcium now? At this stage? Will it help my red coralline to grow better?
  13. Hehe soon as in 2 to 3 weeks time... I still have a lot of readings to do. And yes, must practice my yoga to stay calm and patient
  14. Thanks Elimmel! I will now cut the RowaPhos sponge and fit it into my back compartment. No prawn yet... too lazy to go Cold Storage, lol. So no need prawn anymore? What do you guys think of Teco RA240 Chiller? I already ordered 1, but not yet pay. So I think I can still back-off if the product is lousy or not suitable for my tank. Need advice urgently! My tank is running at record 31ºC today. 2ºC higher than room temperature. If I don't do something, my only hermit crab will say bye bye!
  15. I am now busy with the water parameters... hopefully the cycle will end soon Update you guys again tomorrow. Please do comment. Hidden behind all the high-tech equipments is a novice... much much more to learn from you guys
  16. No lah! For me, I would love to have a larger tank, say 75g. The only reason I bought a Nano is space constraint. My partner refused to let me bring a large tank home... we are staying in a small 2 bedroom condo. This is a start, later I will slowly introduce a larger tank. So small, no fun la!
  17. I work for Tunze mah! Just kidding, the fact is, I work day & night and spend all my hard earned on Tunzes... so yes, I work for Tunze, lol. Anyway, I do plan to use these equipments for many years to come, and I head Tunzes are really reliable. The 7095 will allow me to upgrade to a larger tank (planning to happen in 2 years time).
  18. Melvyn Tan: I've only ran it for 2 days now, will do a proper review later. But one thing for sure is... the protein skimmer is working really fine
  19. Here is the Mangrove Tree Can someone help me ID it?
  20. Day #10 - Bought a pack of Chaeto from a fellow reefer. Put them in the back compartments. Also got a Mangrove Tree FOC
  21. Tunze Multicontroller in action, running in Night Mode (30% force) all the time. The push and pull effect is creating a nice water flow, kinda natural... well, the best way is to demonstrate it using an Anthia or a Green Chromis. (Don't flame me)
  22. Added a Tunze Turbelle Electronics to the side of the tank, running at 30% force.
  23. Front view, the rock formation offers a lot of mini caves and hiding holes. So basically, I have to wrap the ReefPack with rocks, making the overall visual much shallower. But I kinda like it that way... so will not mess around with it for a while now.
  24. In Day #6, I've decided to do something really radical. Introducing the Tunze ReefPack 500. I ordered it through ReefDepot, so the actual product is much larger than anticipated But will do... I also bought some really nice LR from a fellow member. Thanks bro!
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