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Everything posted by jervismun

  1. Many more heads are splitting on this Orange Milli... and the polyps have a slight greenish tinge
  2. Actually only 1 of the 4 shows reddish colouration... perhaps it's a male or something It's around 5 inches in length and I bought them from Harlequin
  3. Hi bro Planning a 4ft? I don't suppose you can reuse back any of your equipments for your next project... bearing in mind that the new project is going to be 10 times your current volume
  4. No bro... still the same puka shells... can see a bit in this partial tank shot
  5. Yes bro... I think in 6 months time we will see a very packed SPS tank
  6. Everybody owns Prata/s nowadays... and yours looking good
  7. Bro Primeprime Based on the german site SEWATEC... the price of ATK is a little steep for a MADE IN CHINA product. I suggest you reconsider
  8. I can't be physically there bro... but if you have questions do PM me or sms me... get my number from Janet It's actually not that complicated... if Jervis can do it... so can you
  9. Eating right after introduction... on frozen mysis
  10. Thanks bro for your help just now Here's a fish that walks!!!
  11. Oh that Yuma... I bought a couple of days back... nothing fantastic... just purple
  12. Interesting read... so much information Let me slowly digest... coz some info doesn't make much sense to me
  13. Sis I think it's better to move the SPS higher up
  14. The red dots on the belly were not there previously
  15. Great news! Noticed nice colouration on one of the Dragon Face's body... I wonder if it will improve further
  16. Yeah... donating back to the LFS Already did btw
  17. Yeah I came across this brand before in sewatec (Germany)... looks quite industrial Any local LFS carrying this brand?
  18. This is a great discovery!!! Hydor Flo works perfectly... replacing one of the return pump outlet Very happy with the random flow
  19. I am planning to do the same too
  20. After looking at the slime... decided to let this piece of Leather go
  21. Money always not enough for all of us Here's a look at the very tight back compartment 1) Chiller pump - Aquabee 2000 2) Aquatronica temperature probe - to control Mini Arctica and chiller feeding pump 3) Aquatronica level probe - freshwater top-up (coming soon)
  22. Finally my RSM is fully Aquatronica controlled... added my third power bar just for RSM Luckily Aquatronica allows for up to 10 power bars... more tanks!!!
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