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Everything posted by jervismun

  1. I bought 2 betta breeding cases and squeeze my Cheatomorpha into them. I place them on the left side of my tank, getting sufficient amount of lighting above. This is definitely more manageable in the long run.
  2. I bought 2 betta breeding cases and squeeze my Cheatomorpha into them. I place them on the left side of my tank, getting sufficient amount of lighting above. This is definitely more manageable in the long run.
  3. New kids on the block... looking great near to my wave maker
  4. Yes, luckily my current is pretty strong, so poos-away in no time at all, lol. I added some new addition today, went to AM (first time, hehe). Will update slowly... but here's Turtleweed! It's so beautiful coz I put it near my wavemaker... the movement is so mesmerizing.
  5. I understand now, that's why my wavemaker is only running 20%. Our tanks are a bit small for this kinda fancy stuff. However, most corals and fishes will benefit from nearer-to-nature simulation. Is your pump head flow adjustable? If yes, lower it. Another way is to add a slightly taller LR behind the coral to block the current. Maybe this will help reduce stress for the time being. Once you coral is more stable, then think about relocation lor.
  6. Yes I was told not to change water during the cycle as it will interupt the process. Oh I bought another piece of beneficial algae today from AM. According to my reference book, Turtleweed is highly sought-after by reefers and doesn't do harm to other tank inhabitants. Maybe you wanna get a piece later.
  7. I wouldn't buy it if I were you... I'm sure there are other reefers selling (or giving away) their LRs. I know Figi is premium but dead rock is dead rock. It's been out of water for too long and the smell is gonna kill ya... pls don't tell me you're gonna take a cab or something, lol. The cab driver will "show-face" for sure
  8. It happens... I think being impatient is one thing, getting to know the requirements of the specimens is another thing. To me, most importantly is to have prior knowledge of the specimens before purchase. Any honest LFS would tell you your tank is not ready for that beautiful clam... how much you paid for it btw? Just curious only la, not that I can get one atm.
  9. Why is that so? Tell us more, perhaps we can help. I have a Tunze wave maker in my 24g NC and the fishes seem very happy with it. Show us pix so we can better understand your frustration.
  10. I missed the anemone too! Yeah, quite a challenge... can't even add a skimmer... I thought my NC is hard enough... agree adding a bit more live rocks will benefit the overall aesthetics as well as water quality. Buy the cured ones from fellow reefers... don't buy from LFS. That's what I did and no Ammonia spike.
  11. My snails are doing a great job... see how clean my LRs are...
  12. Very nice polyps, are they hard to keep?
  13. Yeah! Total opposite of my setup, but I have no choice la
  14. Calcium lvl is 420ppm! I think it is quite ideal for hardy corals and coralline
  15. No they ran out of it... ok I will bring it back to Reborn.
  16. Emm... yes I think so. The components are pretty simple and straight-forward. Although the product itself is not too exp, yeah I'm sure a DIY unit can be very interesting. If you need the manual, I can fax over the important pages to you. PM me
  17. I already hooked up the Osmolator... running flawlessly. Can't wait to see my healthier coralline and corals
  18. Do you have a full name for the ACAN? Can you identify the mushrooms? They are kinda brownish looking with a bit of green.
  19. Correct! And the same water will go into the tank as top-up freshwater (with added calcium). That's why the Calcium Hydroxide is so fine. No need to stir the mixt as the calcium is well dissolved just like saltwater. According to Tunze... when the meter pump pumps water through the Calcium dispenser, it will create small amount of water jet which will mix a certain portion of dissolved calcium hydroxide into the freshwater... the freshwater will then go into the tank. I prefer this method because the dosing will be more consistent and small portion at fixed intervals within the day, better than dosing once a week from the bottle. I have not connect the Osmolator yet as I am still doing some minor water change. So will hook it up in about 30 mins time. Stay tune
  20. The macroalgae especially the Green Grape Caulerpa (refer pix below). Basically try to avoid the entire caulerpa family as they are known to be release toxin when threaten, dying or simple "horny". Chaetomorpha (the top bunch in my tank) is more ideal for controlling Nitrates. But they are seldom found in LFS due to high demand. Got mine from a fellow reefer (check Pasar Malam section for WTS). Since your tank (and mine) are so tiny in terms of water volume, try not to dump in chemicals as the effect can be more harm than good in the end... I will try other methods first, if cannot than chemicals lo. Just like if I'm sick, I will try Chinese medicine, if cannot help then go see doctor. Coz western medicines are usually very potent. lol So the nuisance is referring to overgrown, uncontrollable and sexual macroalgaes.
  21. Very shocking indeed? Have you gotten rid of it? If not, can take a top view so that we can see it more clearly? How old is your tank & LR?
  22. Actually if you have good lighting, should try some macroalgae like chaetomorpha and caulerpa. They are good at bringing down nitrates. I was also having around 100, then I increase my tank's lighting duration, hence increase in photosynthesis. So Nitrates down to <5 after 2 days. But they can be quite a nuisance esp in the main tank.
  23. Look what I found? I tiny hitch hiker from the LR. It's very tiny, maybe about the size of a mobile phone keypad button. Can someone ID it? Will it survive?
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