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Everything posted by jervismun

  1. Em... Nitrates down to 10 this morning... perhaps the problem is not as serious as it seems... will not buy the NitratReductor 1000 first, since it is not so critical at this stage... and almost forgotten that I am suppose to be in a recovery period (for at least 2 weeks... ) Planning to transfer my Reefpack 500, Chiller, LR and some corals over to Perc90 this Saturday... big day for me... the rest of the LS will go in the next day. So, those bros that bought/paid for my Tunzes, MH and NC can begin collecting next Monday onwards... (as promised)
  2. So I have to wait for 10 years to upgrade... aiya... no excuse, lol. Maybe becoz I am running it at 50%, the Wavebox doesn't create any swaying to the tank. I put both my hands on each side of the tank... observed very long... doesn't seem like affecting the tank at all. Full force... then I'm not sure... have yet to try.
  3. Bro u have so many Sun on the sand bed... wanna try some Black Sun? Saw it last 2 weeks.
  4. Pix The crab... "hentam" until paper thin ok?
  5. I've read a lot about the DSB method... not sure if filling up 1/5 of my tank with sand is a good idea... coz sand bed can be very unsightly (but beneficial) once they matured. Perhaps for my next tank, I will custom a tank where the cabinet will hide 6" of the tank. For now, I will rely on German technology... yet another time...
  6. Bro put something in the cave to block it, then it will settle in another spot with better lighting... don't let it rot lah, such a waste... sometimes we need to interfere... we are playing God right? lol
  7. He look so damn fierce!!! Bro congratz to you for getting rid of it... don't tell me u throw it into ur refugium?!? lol
  8. Bro wanna add a plastic volcano, a pirate ship and a treasure chest that will release bubbles? hehe... just like Finding Nemo.
  9. Wow... so complicated... well if that's the case better be safe than sorry... go for Streams. How long u reckon a tank can lasts?
  10. PMed u... worst than eat grass... steal water from office... steal Nescafe and Julie biscuits from office... lol... my motto is "Now or Never". Muahaha
  11. Lovely! I like ur Benggai Cardinal... will get some for my new tank Planning to add some nice macroalgae into my refugium too especially the red colour ones.
  12. What do you guys think of the Aqua Medic Nitratreductor 1000? According to Aqua Medic: "The Nitratereductor 1000 works with a flow rate of 1 to 4 l/hr (c. 0.25 to 1 gph). In the absence of oxygen this situation promotes bacteria that metabolize nitrate. Denimar powder or Deniballs are used as an organic energy source. The Nitratereductor 1000 is a closed unit that can be integrated into filter systems, but may also be installed to stand alone under the aquarium." I know that the 1000 might be overkill... but with the very slow flow rate... I'm worried that the Nitratreductor 400 will take very long to eliminate Nitrates. I can hide it inside my cabinet... nice and neat! Is this a good investment? If yes, I will get it tomorrow
  13. Me on the other hand try to save on electricity bill and avoid heating my room too much... so I set it at 26.5ºC to 28ºC. According to a lot of bros, it's an acceptable range even for a lot of hard-to-keep corals. Fishies no problem at all. So why keep the water so artificially low? Perhaps u guys are not using MH... mine heat up quite quickly And I hate the noise emitted by the chiller...
  14. Hi Melvyn... I just started running my Wavebox (in my Perc90 thread). Can't say much as I do not have any corals in my tank right now to really test it visually. Mine is a 3ft tank, so running at 50% only. Beyond that is quite noisy, can hear the pump roaring and also sound of water splashes as a result of water rushing back into the emptied black box. Water movement is not as chaotic as described, in fact quite gentle... part of the beauty of this product. As for compatibility with local tank/stand... I don't know if the some bros exagerrated the effect of the Wavebox. Don't think it will break a good 12mm thick glass construction... or any good silicon joints. Of course, if the fundamental construction of the tank is flawed in the first place... then even without the Wavebox... it will give way. Hehe... that's why I go for a Perc90
  15. Aiya... I thot got new deaths!?! Touch wood, lol.
  16. Very nice indeed... I got some of these that came along with my Clove colony... but u got a very nice colony there... love it! Em... I wonder if ur Anemone gets enought light for food hiding in side the cave most of the time.
  17. I admire ur rockscaping very much... the 2 large caverns... where u get the very large flat piece of LR? The one on the left "lagi best"!!! Curved some more, lol.
  18. I think u can still use it... just need to clean the outlet (from the inside) regularly to avoid clogging... if ur tank is not too overstocked, running it lower can also ensure longer lifespan for the very expensive Antiphos... every refilling up will cost us $40+!!! So I will use a underpower pump too (most probably). Unless my Phosphat gets out of hand...
  19. Water parameters as of this evening: Sg - 1.022 pH - 8.3 KH - 8.6 Temp - 30ºC Ammonia - <0.25 Nitrites - <0.3 Nitrates - 15!!! Phosphates - N/A Calcium - 480 Magnesium - N/A Nitrates!!! Gotto get rid of them soon... yeah another excuse to go shopping tomorrow, lol
  20. It's good to see another big tank in the making... and you are very lucky ur wife shares the passion with you
  21. Emm.... according to Aqua Medic: "Carbolit may also be used as a long-term filter material. After a short period, bacteria settle on the pellets making the carbon work as a biological filter - aerobically and anaerobically. Carbolit is pH neutral and can be used in fresh and salt water aquaria." Long term biological filter medium??? Em... not sure about that leh... what's your take on that? I though the pellets will slowly get dissolved???
  22. New stuff... 1. Polyfilter... yeah never run a tank without polyfilter, lol. Promotion at AM, 3 pieces for the price of (slightly more than) 2!!! Need to replace for my Nano... will add to new tank once I start stocking LS. 2. Aqua Medic Hydrocarbonat - to be used as substrate. Got the inspiration from "The Tank of The Century" where the owner actually filled the substrate with Calcium Carbonat. According to him, it releases calcium slowly, provides pH buffing, increases KH and algaes tend not to grow on them. But must refill every 1 to 1 1/2 years. Quite expensive for a tub, so can't fill up the entire tank using it Will sprinkle on top of my sand bed once the scaping is complete (this weekend). 3. Aqua Medic Carbolit - actually more for my Nano... but will add a bag into my new tank once the water stabilizes. First time using... Yeah I am really investing heavily... just hope my tank won't crash... or else surely become SRC Laughing Stock of the Month... Decade... Century
  23. 2nd day of running the Turboflotor Quite confident that this protein skimmer will remain faithful to its owner for many years to come... good boy... now suck suck suck
  24. I have not hook up the AM Phosphatfilter yet... but as long as ur pump pushes out 750l/h to 1000l/h should be fine. Remember u shouldn't use any pump stronger than 1000l/h. Good luck and do let me know the results ok? Bought some stuff from AM just now... will post an update shortly
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