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Everything posted by jervismun

  1. I think we still have a long way to go... I am now frantically learning how to take care of the fries... here's a shot I like... they will swim up and down... a short tank will surely disrupt the dance I suppose... especially for large species like Reidi
  2. Here's something I've always wanted to witness... the SH Mating Dance Enjoy the show
  3. You! Cannot keep secrets... not even for 1 minute
  4. Thanks bro... my first such anemone actually... still trying to learn more about it... I love the contrast between the green and the clownie orange
  5. Bro try to feed the Gorgonias (Seafan) with food suitable for filter-feeder... they will benefit your clam too. Target feed Seafans can be fun using a giant syringe You can try Cyclopeeze, Roti-feast, Reefroid or other liquid food. Looking good
  6. Specially shot for bro Joejoe Your Tigertail is doing well in my tank (thanks to all the live mysis) It's funny how she swims around with her tail curled up
  7. Glad you like it... she's actually Dark Orange... Vermilion
  8. No need to drool lah... look at the tank... it's basically a junk yard
  9. Stuck on my lagoon... seems to be quite comfortable there... Yellow Seafan transfered over from my main tank
  10. First inhabitant to conquer my nano From Coral Farm... slightly unique Percula pair and a nice green Blanket Anemone
  11. Time for an update... Parameters: NO2 - 0.01ppm (Salifert, read from side) NO3 - 0.2ppm (Salifert, read from side) PO4 - 0.03ppm (D+D High Sensitivity) Bro Izzat, perhaps the artificial rocks are releasing PO4... in very small quantity... will introduce some form of PO4 removal this week
  12. Amazing results with just a compact... more more more
  13. I wanna STALLION... not a Homer Simpson
  14. Tall slim pretty horsie looking for dark tan stallion 38" 23" 26"
  15. Bro I think your tank is ready for some hardy specimens... just make sure you got your chiller at work before introducing any LS Arctica is a good choice
  16. Yes... 2.5ft is ideal height When will it happen bro?
  17. Bro since your 1.5ft tank is quite low... perhaps you wanna avoid large SH species such as Brazilian Reidi... they can grow into pretty large specimens
  18. Really cannot "tahan" your love birds... I am jealous
  19. It really depends on the colouration, size and state-of-health... a nice looking prata can go for $120
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