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Everything posted by jervismun

  1. U got an idea how much a small Black Tang costs? If not too forbiding... yeah I will order from Henry's. I wanna keep something really really special... worth my effort (I think).
  2. Bro... urs is a classic example of wasting money on cheap but not functional products, lol. If you can afford a custom made tank (by a branded designer)... I'm sure you can allocate more $ for ur equipments... IMO there's not way you can save money in this hobby, either u spend on equipments, if not spend a lot of money rectifying the water... or worst keep on replacing LS. All 3 options require $$$. Just my 2 cents... hope I'm not being too direct
  3. Another thing... I notice u use flash when taking photos... could it be your lighting is not sufficient? I know it can be hard to modify the lighting... stronger lighting = increase heat... perhaps you need to be more careful when selecting corals... Zoos are great!!! Everybody is crazy over Zoos nowadays...
  4. Em... perhaps the RowaPhos are insufficient in quantity... or simply getting old... it's quite hard to control algae if you do not know your PO4 level...
  5. Yeah and u even added a protein skimmer... nice cabinet, zoom out more... I want to see the whole thing Are you using back the same skimmer? And yes, u do need one if you want to seriously keep ur LS happy.
  6. Yeah I can still remember my 2 Spot Goby... float like helicopter... but he jumped out of my Nano after 3 days... will consider adding another specimen into my new tank They are fun to look at.
  7. I think the only thing that worries me is your Phosphate level. 1 is considered critically high for corals... so try to bring it down ASAP. As for A N N... they should be undetectable at all times... I know it's easier said than done... that's the ideal and you shall aim for it. Hope this helps!
  8. Thanks bro Soon... and your drawing real pro bro Atlantis No wonder taken so long... wow what an interesting flow concept u got there... underneath water chamber... sounds quite "dungeon" to me... hehe. But you do need 2 more pumps in the tank to push the water upwards... maybe on the left and right bottom corner blowing diagonally upwards... but gonna look very ugly, unless you hide the pumps. Remember... when it comes to water flow... do not leave any dead spots in the tank, coz dead spots can easily develop into disaster zones... if you see a lot of deritrus settle at one place... that's a dead zone. It's very challenging... I have not settle mine yet... still waiting for the $$$.
  9. Bro what format is your file? My comp automatically open it using Excel and it turns out to be some encryption code or something... r u sending us virus? hehe... can't affect me... I'm using MAC
  10. Yeah I will be driving I prob look for: 1. Blue-eyed Anthias (maybe 6 - 8) 2. Purple Tang (1) 3. Yellow Tang (1) 4. Fire Shrimp (2) 5. Cleaner Shrimp (2 more) 6. 2-spot Goby (1) 7. Flame Angel (1) The list go on and on... Hehe, of course can't buy all together lah! Even if my tank can support it... my wallet can't. I still need to allocate a large amount of $$$ for the remaining equipments. What do you think of my list? Oh if possible a Black Tang for sure
  11. Aiya bro Atlantis... pix pix pix... faster lah! Must keep the momentum mah Can you also show us the full tank shot (including the beautiful cabinet) and also the equipments hidden inside? It's nice to give us the full picture of your tank
  12. This shot was taken last night before I went to sleep... this guy has been sleeping in the open sand bed since day one... even in my Nano. Any rationale for that?
  13. Hehe... just that it looks quite natural... what's ur PO4 lvl bro?
  14. Hi Terryz, this is the result of running Aqua Medic Phosphatfilter using a 1000l/h pump (filled with Antiphos) for 24 hours. I reconfirmed the PO4 lvl just now... 0.03
  15. Wah!!! You guys so early... emm... open house? Maybe not yet lah... I still want you guys to visit my thread... or else defeat the purpose of SRC, lol. Chaeto I can only harvest a bit once a month. Guess you guys really have to wait... bro Soon will be the first loh Oh I had a dream last night... my BT died
  16. Bro u wanna consider tearing down ur backdrop? lol... It can be an eyesore if not maintained properly... but if u wanna make good use of it... try attach corals to your backdrop, must look damn nice one... keep it up, control the water conditions... if the whole backdrop becomes purple coralline... wow
  17. Ok I will give you some... they grow fast... so do expect my first harvesting beginning of next month You can come down and look-look-see-see my tank also Perhaps adopt my Green Chromis if you can catch them
  18. Oh man... you have a hell of a lot of greens in your tank... somehow looks very natural to me This bloom... is it avoidable? I'm afraid the same will happen to my tank too... if I am to control the PO4 real well... do you think the algaes will still bloom? Perhaps adding 1 or 2 Tangs
  19. Hey don't be like that leh... I just decom my cube
  20. Small BT is nice... here's mine If they ever outgrow your tank... it's a good sign... it's time to upgrade to a 3ft
  21. There's so many LS I wanna buy... so so many...
  22. I will try bubble later... bro hv u found a suitable avatar yet?
  23. Do you have any Cleaner Shrimp or Cleaner Wrasse in ur tank? Sometimes they help
  24. Wow!!! Phosphate down from 0.25 to 0.03 in 12 hours!!! Amazing results... too amazing in fact... must retest tomorrow morning to double-confirm I am expecting Nitrates to drop a little too... been running my refugium light for more than 12 hours now and will remain on till I see improvements. Come on Chaetos... I need you guys to work real hard tonight Tonight, I can sleep soundly again
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