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Everything posted by jervismun

  1. Didn't got a chance to feed them yet... keep hiding... but I see it "poo" yesterday, so he must've found something to eat
  2. You mean like this? Went to AM just now... bought something... surprise u guys later... waiting for it to open
  3. Em... pretty interesting scaping. Looks a bit cluttered though... but other than that. A big improvement! Keep it up
  4. Emm... algae starting to grow on my glass panels... guess that's good and bad signs... so will continue to monitor water conditions closely... schedule for water change mid next week. I will go LFS shopping now, need to look for something to bring down NO3. Already have something in mind... and perhaps a colony of nice Zoos... hehe.
  5. Cool Keep the pix coming... em... already got inspiration for my next tank
  6. Ohhh impressed by the power management... that's gonna be my next plan... can elaborate more how u make this tank a safer tank?
  7. Nah... u can always create a platform for u to step on... I am using a Ikea plastic stool (meant for kids), lol. Nice cabinet btw... does it come with a custom shape sump? Show us
  8. Were u referring to the algae on the backdrop? Do take it as a sign also... they are trying to tell u something... either uneven light distribution, dead zones (water flow), or etc... when it comes to nature... everything is connected... one will lead to another... so must mother nature
  9. Wah jewels jewels everywhere... like a jewelry shop display!!! Can't wait to see your new setup!!!
  10. Hilo as in normal Halogen bulb? Hehe, not gonna do much for the starving corals... just to satisfy ur eyes. Since urs is a cabinet on top, u may want to consider T5 fixture that u can hang down. Replace the normal fluorescent tubes, lol. If u can fit in 4 3ft 39W T5 into the cabinet... perfect liao!!! U may want to look at some retrofit fixtures with high-end reflectors. Remember, light is everything... water current is second (according to Tunze website)... the fact that they put lighting above wave convinced me... if not, they could've claim wave for the top position. Don't try MH, ur tank cannot take the heat (for sure)
  11. If normal tube... u may want to consider going 2 white instead... no blue effect, but offers better intensity. This u can look at later... hehe sorry... I know u have 1001 things to tend to right now
  12. Bro Nakazuro... may I also suggest u get a larger tank?!? Comparing with ur stool, I don't think the tank is large enough to contain all ur Indo Jewel shopping... hehe Your wife gonna "fry" me
  13. But it's a bit on the low end... the stool is higher than the tank... lol. But I'm sure bro Nakazoru will get a much taller cabinet since he is adding a sump.
  14. You wanna consider a new tank? Bro GOLFMAC is selling off his Aqua Medic Xenia tank for a great great bargain... it's based on a 4ft footprint. Pasar Malam. Err... how come ur tank so low? For ur baby to view?
  15. Normal fluorescent tubes or T5?
  16. Great to see another upgrading... hehe at least not everyone is downgrading... Yeah agree, ur current tank seriously need upgrading Meanwhile, looking for a place to put all ur Indo jewels?
  17. Ok so this is the kinda fish that "if u need to ask for the price... u probably can't afford it... so don't ask",
  18. I know... that's why I dunno what to write anymore
  19. Wah quite amazing!!! So thin!!! Then do think twice before removing it... without it, ur tank may look extremely shallow (only 1ft from glass to glass.
  20. If u wanna consider... do it before adding new salt water... gonna be a mess for sure... whatever it is, u got a very narrow tank (around 1ft), so u must plan ur tank very very carefully... u r in a very challenging position... but I'm sure with passion and dedication, everything is possible. Note: I'm ignoring ur request for volunteers coz I can't offer help... in labour at least.
  21. Interesting... can you do a water test of ur new mix? I might consider mixing my salt brands for variety sake.
  22. Just a question... how thick is the backdrop? Coz if the backdrop is thick (say 2" to 3") removing it can give u more room to play with LR. If the backdrop is very thin, then will not make much difference if there or not. As mentioned before, keep the tank water quality high... high calcium... the backdrop will soon take over by purple coralline... it can be the best backdrop, ever!!! You can also try to place some suitable corals directly on the backdrop (using epoxy). This will make ur backdrop looks more like LR, hence giving ur tank more depth. If you haven't buy LR, then choose carefully... avoid chunky pieces, go for slim flat pieces instead. Have fun... I can see a very busy week ahead of you
  23. Oh yeah... I hope not influenced by me... but hey, they make good products!!! Best in the world (when it comes to hardcore technology).
  24. Smallest is 5" to 6"??? That's quite huge! I expect something like 3"... few hundred bucks?!? Err... ok I shall settle for a Purple Tang instead, lol.
  25. Well... the 6080 in not controllable, so must be very careful not to create a crater on your sand bed. Where to put... em... cannot give u a straight-forward answer as we have no idea how you want to arrange your rockscaping? Normally, you can only determine the position of wavemaker once your scaping is completed. So now, focus on what you want to achieve with the scaping... then we find a nice location to put your beautiful Tunze... welcome to the world of Tunze, lol. They are still the best pump I've ever seen...
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