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Everything posted by jervismun

  1. The smaller frag recovered... no more seeing the skeleton of the branch Notice something strange is happening in the backdrop?
  2. PMed you... but I have not seen my LW for 2 days now Actually would rather invest in a Purple Tang or something Not everything is beautiful Now where did I get the idea that algaes do not grow on Hydrocarbonat?
  3. $5 for small colony $7 for large colony
  4. Oh yeah??? Try this!!! Hey this is so unfair... we are in the middle of a competition here
  5. Presenting the WORLD'S STRONGEST TENTACLE!!!
  6. To answer ur question... yes and no. Yes, if you just wanna keep some damsels, nemos, chromis and maybe a hermit (with LR)... can even keep zoos and mushrooms. No, if u r looking at keeping tangs and exotic corals. Again, it's a matter of how far you want to go... also how deep is your pocket. NC is ok for beginners... so perhaps you wanna consider this as an intro to the hobby and save up for a full setup 2 years later. As a very rough guide, a decent 3ft with sump + full equiments + lighting + chiller can easily costs $2000 to $2500 (not even looking at pro/branded equipments). As a branded chiller alone will cost $2000 (for a 3ft + sump water volume). So, since you mention u r a student... you may wanna wait and see... or start small and learn... or u can always read and learn from this forum till you save enough for a full scale assault. But again, having an intro tank is good coz u will tend to make a lot of newbies mistakes along the way... if you start big... u can end up making a lot of very $$$ mistakes.
  7. Sad sad stories... I bought my NC from TM too. But only the tank and stand. Coz I have some previous freshwater experience... so I didn't really fall for the "no maintenance" story. I must say that the owner of Y company didn't really pushed me or whatever... I told him I only need the tank, and he said ok, and never mention the full setup again.
  8. Wah so nice of you... yeah u can give some to bro Soon... as mine will take another 2 weeks to harvest.
  9. Yeah can't make it drop. Will perform 10% water change later... see if it will come down a bit.
  10. Haha... I rather he put back the Crazy Horse avatar than to go crazy with all the stress... perhaps can go watch Crazy Horse show lor You can find a lot of jewels over there... Maximas, Croceas, Gigas... Sun Coral (in pairs)... Bubbles (in pairs)... huge Pratas... err... Sea Cucumber and Cuke too, lol!!!
  11. Sorry to hear that... it happens... they should be called Jumper Fish instead... to always remind us how good in jumping they are
  12. Bro I notice no lighting yet... r u using back ur old light fixture?
  13. Hey don't just give up like that... what about not getting a JBJ Cube... other types of Nano lor... you may also wanna check out Pasar Malam section, a lot of bros selling their tank for $100 to $150!!! Some even giving away free
  14. Emm... I am just wondering... is there a way you can make the backdrop inside ur mini caves darker... like black... so that it gives a sense of a very deep space, right now still doesn't look like a cave... em... if I can think of something will let you know
  15. Haha! But with one condition though... I must make sure u guys have a proper place to put them... coz Chaetos are a good to have... not a must... so if u guys doesn't have an allocated space, can create more problems and headaches... betta boxes are desperate measure!!!
  16. My Nemo (not Memo, lol) never sleeps one... always swimming near glass day and night... Nice Cleaner Shrimp... any cleaning activity spotted?
  17. Colinsoon - end April Altantis - mid June Lyz - end July
  18. I will do Rics too... after I completed my Zoos garden, hehe. Rics r so much more costlier
  19. Hehe... I hope those halogens/spot lights are temporary measures... again, depends on what kinda corals u wanna keep... prob these will suffice.
  20. And where's the best place to look for slightly more exotic looking Zoos?
  21. Careful with splashes... disaster waiting to happen
  22. U upgraded ur lighting? Coz looking sufficiently bright in the pix... and ur halogen looks a bit fake, lol.
  23. Lol!!! So very soon reaching Malaysia lah!?! Try diff placement to get the best of it.
  24. Here's a pix of my refugium (the right compartment). The Chaetomorpha has been growing steadily... almost 20% of original within 1 week. Thanks to the external PL lamp (right side of the pix) running 24/7. I expect to do my first harvest by the end of the month and bro Colinsoon is the first on my waiting list
  25. Thanks! One thing that inspired me this setup is the algae growing on that piece of Monti skeleton. So unsightly, so I cover it with Zoos... surely will block the light.
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