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Everything posted by jervismun

  1. This is also one of my favourite shots!!! My hanging Orange Sea Star got some serious tickling from my Cleaner Shrimp
  2. The Osim one... em... not very convincing right? lol I saw some really nice models (similar to Osim) by Mitsubishi Chemicals (Japanese) in Best Ngee Ann City. They have a lot of different models, starting from $200 to $700. Perhaps that will help a bit... I suppose better than nothing lah! If serious, go for Mitisubishi... price wise similar to Osim anyway. I am thinking of getting one of those soon... also beneficial as drinking water lah... so "1 stone kena 2 "burung"
  3. This is one of my most successful photo shoots... 2 Cleaner Shrimps servicing a Pink Skunk Clownfish
  4. No no no!!! Don't drill ur tank!!! It's too messy and risky. Explore other ideas...
  5. I don't think ur left and right compartments offer much space to fit a reasonable skimmer... just exploring the ideas only. You have 1ft depth right? If you are to get a skimmer (mount to the back, either left or right corner) around 6", u can still have 3" to 4" to play with rockscape, just like my tank. In time, the skimmer (if as black as Tunze) will be covered with purple coralline anyway, so will not be very visible. Up to you... as I mention before, either you get lesser space with lots of healthy looking LS or more space with a lot of dying LS... for me... I will go for happy LS But if you can find an effective skimmer that can fit into ur left/right compartments... then that's the best solution! Em... perhaps you wanna consider having 2 Tunze Nano DOC Skimmers... they are very tiny, but 1 is not sufficient... perhaps u invest in 1 first, then get another 1 when ur bioload gets higher.
  6. Hahaha... bro Colinsoon is just pulling ur legs... everyone of us "kena" that guidelines before... by dunno what author... probably running his tank without any skimmer or filtration system... dun worry about the ratio... but must always rely on good/reliable equipments. Not necessarily must get branded/German stuff... if you can find a China product that is effective, reasonable priced, good and reliable (we are talking about 5 years minimum) also can
  7. You mention ur regular feedings affecting water condition, mind share with us ur daily dosing/feeding regime?
  8. Water parameters as of this afternoon: Sg - 1.023 pH - 8.1 KH - 7.4 Alkalinity - 2.63 Temp - 27ºC to 28ºC Ammonia - <0.25 Nitrites - <0.3 Nitrates - 10 Phosphates - 0.03 Calcium - >500 Magnesium - 1140 Lucky I bought a bottle of (see pix below) yesterday... dosed 40ml into the tank... will do another HK/Alk & pH tests in an hour time. Phosphate is under control!!! Long live AM Antiphos!!! Algaes are also currently under control. Nitrate... well, will give the AM Nitratreductor 1000 a few more days to kick-in. I think 10 is quite an acceptable level... but nothing is better than 0, right? Any harm having high Calcium? Does high calcium affect pH and KH?
  9. Hehe that's the ideal ratio... but most of the reefers here do not follow that ratio or else u will end up either having a swimming pool for keeping Tangs and Angels or we will all keep to nano fishes... that's why we rely on good equipments... equipments are there to push the ratio to the limit... good equipments = can handle higher bioload = keep more LS = happier LFS Bro Altantis, if u go with the ratio by the book, how many inches of fish u can keep in ur tank? After the calculation, tell me if u r willing to follow that guideline?
  10. Whatever the brand... I think you made the right decision bro... esp when it comes to your tank size... bad quality glass in that kinda thickness is a total waste of time... and come to think of it, glass is one of the few things you can't upgrade later. So, might as well My German-made tank is using 8mm tempered glass (with black tint)... extremely stunning as the black tint will not distort/affect colour much. Just act as a polarizer to enhance colour intensity. Lovely! Hehe sorry
  11. Wah! 3ºC??? That's a very effective fan... bro Underwater... u r right, don't just jump into getting a chiller as the chiller will create a new set of problems to the setup. So, try the fan option first... no harm trying out. But if have budget, go for better quality fans (even DIY if u r good at that). As I just discovered from a reefers home yesterday, he got 2 identical large CPU fan... the China one is very noisy and irritating, the Japanese one is so "damn" quiet... so quality speaks for itself again. Em... it seems that I am running an "Anti-China" made campaign here... lol.
  12. I read about that from somewhere too... but so far, my Turbo can "terbalik" itself... maybe u have a predator in the tank. So everytime the predator will have "escargot" feasting... so no chance for the Turbo to slowly work its way back... quite a possible explaination IMO.
  13. If you wanna go for T5, don't try to save on the tubes. Go for the most exp u can afford... ATI and D-D (Deltec) are good T5 tubes.
  14. Wah... is it Starphire glass? Damn... bro u really know what's best for enjoyment... I think I also need to get LCK become my best friend already... it's nice to know there's LFS out there who can help reefers in trouble... 7am some more, wah lau!!!
  15. Wanna try: (Note: Always get a protein skimmer that can handle around twice ur water volume). Aqua Medic Turboflotor 750 http://www.aqua-medic.de/seawater/en/9/tb750/ Aqua Medic Midiflotor http://www.aqua-medic.de/seawater/en/9/midi/ (Both AM models come with PDF manual for download, so you can take a closer look. So far, I am very impressed by my AM Turboflotor). Tunze DOC Skimmer http://www.tunze.com/149.html?&L=1&C=SG&user_tunzeprod_pi1[predid]=-infoxunter028 Other brands... I hope other bros can help. I think it's ok to allocate some space esp on the back for the skimmer. Personally, I would rather sacrifice some space for the skimmer than to have plenty of room for dying corals.
  16. 4 x 3ft T5 is sufficient (I guess), don't try to save on the tubes ok? But you can always prioritize ur fund allocation... I think u need seriouly look at finding a good protein skimmer right now, or else all the money spent for the upgrading will go down the drain... say in 2 months time... I will try to look out for you... see if I can find something that can fit inside ur tank.
  17. Bro... according to Wayne Sheng (some expert who published a book about his SPS and clam collections) clams like Crocea and Maxima also help nutrient export. They will consume extra nutrients in the tank (aka purifying)... so quick!!! Go out and get some!!! But according to him, you will need a lot of clams to make any significant benefit to the biotope... say for ur tank size... perhaps 25 clams will do the job
  18. Turbo snails are reef safe but they are super strong... like a bulldozer. So if your tank is small, with a lot of small pieces of LR, an adult Turbo can wreck ur rockscaping as it moves around...
  19. Hi bro... I'm still learning... but I do have a few points for discussion... Firstly, for G_d's sake... invest in a proper protein skimmer. When u mention "cheap wood air bubble proten skimmer", deep down... u know the skimmer aint working properly... allocate $100 to $200 and get a protein skimmer that will do the job well. It's THE most important piece of equipment esp in a small tank. Secondly, introducing 11 piece of corals in a single shot is too fast... I am very impatient too, but I always try to introduce not more than 5 specimens in a week. The system will not be able to handle it, that's why u have NO2 hike and cloudy water right after that. Thirdly, why u focus so much on NO2? You should also monitor Ammonia, Nitrates, Phosphates, KH and pH (very important). Fourthly, avoid MAJOR water change (I will say anything more than 20% as major)... it's not good for the system, unless in crisis. For me, I will find out the cause of the problem instead of relying on 40% water change all the time. Synthetic salts are exp too. Last but not least, since you have such a small tank (and without proper equipments, sorry I have to be honest and direct) using tap water is not a good idea. Perhaps you wanna consider buying bottled RO or DI water from NTUC or buy those OSIM tap filter to reduce toxic metals and contents. It's better to remove it in the first place, then to expect ur "cheap wood air bubble proten skimmer" to do the job... Bottomline is... water shouldn't be cloudy. Get a good skimmer (you will never regret it) and maybe you wanna add in a bag of activated carbon (if you have not already do so). Jervis
  20. I know what u mean now.... yeah ur old tank is very very messy... dangerous too if u have kids running around the house Glad u made the decision to redo the tank... how come leak? So scary meh? And you remake a tank using the same material/same methods/same contractor?
  21. It's a very delicious clam if cooked with chilli and "belacan"... also know as "Lala" in parts of Malaysia And how much u paid for it again? Can get a kilo for $3 in the market
  22. That's the reason why I buy all German products... easier to sell 2nd hand... Imagine selling a used "Proton"... give free also some ppl dun wan...
  23. Bro... where r u? Been 1 week already
  24. Love the yuma macro... ur's is a common yuma? Or will fluorence under actinic? Mine looks brown under MH, spotted orange under actinic. And welcome to Singapore!!!
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