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Everything posted by jervismun

  1. How about u Altantis? lol... Percula 120 is not 120 gallons, it's 120cm wide.
  2. The skimmer fits quite nicely in your tank... is that a Tunze? Which model? Is your drawing to scale? If yes, congratz!!! You have a good in-tank skimmer now
  3. I'm gonna get the Aquamoonlight too... later lah... actually the small Tunze stream with single controller is not too costly... will fit ur tank nicely. I think AM is cheaper than Rowa... but in terms of effectiveness... yet to discover.
  4. Wow bro Linkinpark... that's a very nice Male Anthias there... how I wish I can just go ML now and add 7 - 8 Blue Eyes into my tank
  5. Let me check the "bible"... ur tank is around 35 gallons... the Biostar Flotor (BF) can handle almost twice of that (65 gallons)... running a PH2000 that will give u 15 circulations per hour. IMO the BF is sufficient... however if you really have some extra cash... I suggest you look into getting a proper equipment to help you control the following: 1. Wave making 2. NO3 3. PO4 4. Activated Carbon If you intend to continue using the Eheim canister... u can dump in AM Antiphos and AM Carbolit in there. Wanna get a Tunze wavemaker? I am looking for a set too
  6. I knew u gonna start a thread tonight!!! Welcome to the family bro!!!
  7. Activated carbon is good at giving crystal clear water... but ur problems are beyond cloudy water. Are you already using some sort of carbon? If not, I suggest you use Aqua Medic Carbolit. It's quite affordable and it is not dissolvable... some other brands will dissolve and pollute the tank. Carbolit will not... in fact u can use it as long as you want... as eventually it will turn into housing for bacterias... just need to add new Carbolit.
  8. Bro, congratz!!! The AM Biostar Flutor is a cool piece of equipment. Bro Hammy been using it with much success. Yes, it's normal to have some micro bubbles at the running-in phase. If it takes more than 2 days... don't panic... it can also be affected by oxygen supersaturation... something that can happen if ur tank is going thru algae bloom. Relax, the micro bubbles will go away
  9. 100 is very very high!!! There's no way ur fishes, inverts and corals gonna be unaffected by it in the long run... perhaps there's something wrong with ur reading... what test kits are u using? I suggest u seriously look into controlling NO3, plenty of ways out there. For your setup, it will make more sense to get a Denitrator (equipment) than to rely on bags and bags of chemicals (that claim to remove NO3). Seachem De*Nitrate for one, is a total waste of money (tried it before). For me, I bought a Aqua Medic Nitratreductor 1000 to help me bring down NO3 to zero. Currently at 10. Water change will help too... but constant water changes is not a very practical solution as it is very very expensive.
  10. Tunze skimmer is good IMO... one of the main components of a good skimmer is actually the pump design and construction. When it comes to pump (of that size and capacity)... there are only a handful of producers out there that can rival Tunze's superiority. I suggest u check the Tunze Nano skimmer out... have not seen it in person, but so far... I have not come across a Tunze that doesn't work properly.
  11. Haha... not all tanks will "kena" new tank syndrome... if u r referring to algae bloom, yes I had it last few days, lasted for 3 days... other than that everything is under control. Anyway... most of my stuff including water is from the old Nano tank... so nothing much is new except the tank and the bactoballs. I've been so committed and invested so much... if "kena" must "hit the wall" already
  12. It's a type of Caulerpa... very nice, I used to keep but later removed coz they will go Asexual and coz havoc to the tank... but not always... read more on this topic on the internet. It's called "Green Grape Caulerpa".
  13. Come on... no one interested!?! This is a heck-of-a German made tank and here's what to expect at the back on my Percula 90... only for this Percula 120 u get 30cm more space to put all ur gadgets!!!
  14. Err... the buffet concept? Hehe... that's why I am going for Zoos instead... target feeding is very time consuming
  15. Oh yeah... let them spread coz I can always frag them for distribution... love Zoos So r u gonna connect ur skimmer tonight? Mind sharing with us what u got inside ur canister?
  16. Small grape as in macroalgae?
  17. $$$ is one thing... look at the drawing u drawn... it's gonna be one-hell-of-an-ugly cabinet... like a traditional Chinese Prayer Altar (San Toi in Canto)... only in white, lol. So plan properly My only rationale of having a in-tank protein skimmer is... if "suay suay" the cup got overflow... at least the water will go back into the tank instead of flooding my floor and furniture. And in many cases, protein skimmers can quite unpredictable when it comes to forming of bubble... esp after water change and dosing.
  18. Wah bro Altantis getting more and more pro Of course Biohome is 10x more expensive than normal bioballs... for a big tank, filling up with Biohome alone can costs $300+ Bro Cherm, you wanna try Aqua Medic Bactoballs? Not very costly, call Aqua Mart.
  19. 1) Evaporated water is only freshwater, salt will remain in tank... however if you mess around with the tank a lot (mostly from splashing and dripping)... yes kinda sticky... so must mop surrounding area everytime u do something major to the tank. 2) Depending on how big is ur canister, what u gonna put inside. Go for the biggest u can find/afford so u can have a bit more water current and more space to put in bags of stuff such as Chemipure, Activated Carbon, Biohome... believe me... u will need the space. Having a skimmer is a good start You didn't mention lighting. Normal PL lighting fixture is good for FOWLR setup. Heat wise... not much, so I think the fan is optional. Fishes can take up to 31ÂșC (although not very healthy in the long run). 3) Refer to my signature... the first 8 to 9 parameters are essential. 4) For LFS, check sponsor section. Have fun!!! And read more before stocking ur tank with fishes... some fishes will either outgrow ur 2ft tank in a year or fight like crazy in a 2ft tank.
  20. The only danger for having a external skimmer like that is the overflowing... sometimes, if not controlled properly, the cup will be filled with tank water and flood ur furniture (slowly)... that's why I have all my equipments inside the tank (except Nitratreductor 1000), experienced it before and it ain't a pretty sight.
  21. Finally!!! Leopard Wrasse caught-in-the-act!!! Frozen Mysis dipped with Seachem Garlic Guard.
  22. Wah 12 to 13 cubes... man I think I am underfeeding my corals
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