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Everything posted by jervismun

  1. Coz he keep them in his sump... constant flow of clean water helps... benefits are pretty subjective... but no harm feasting ur LS with some live food once in a blue moon... but I heard that will turn ur LS more into a predator and acting more aggressively
  2. IMO some extra oxygen is alright especially if ur tank is heavily stocked. What kinda skimmer (or r u running any at all) u running now? If u have a needlewheel pump skimmer (with air sucked into the pump), then the air pump can do without. Too much dissolved oxygen can create another set of problems, that can affect the health or ur LS... do more readings on REDOX and Supersaturation.
  3. My adivce... don't attempt. Any mishap is gonna coz ur LS dearly... so why trying to save a few bucks by recycling ur filter media? The stakes are too high IMO.
  4. Yeah that's bad for the water in the long run... perhaps u can schedule ur water change every Sunday since ur mass feeding is on every Saturday. Nice to know that u manage to keep the brine shrimp alive for 3 days... do keep us updated on that coz I might do the same... only no sump tank to put the betta box for me... u can also feed the BS, u know?
  5. eAquanature list price $750 but if u go Aqua Mart, I'm sure u will get a slightly better deal or at least tiny freebies. I have yet to see any result yet as it will take a while for the Denitrator to kick-in... so do bear that in mind I'm using Salifert kit too. Let me ask you... u see colours from top or side? If side, wrong coz colour is 10x darker if u read from the side. Must match from top (for high resolution)
  6. Err... 1 cm is still too tiny... was hoping to find some larger specimens so can "tahan" longer in the tank
  7. Ic... was about to get another one actually... a blue one coz they are so pretty... both my Orange "Linka" and Sand Sifting been with me for more than a month now
  8. What's a Linka btw? Perhaps I should stay away from it...
  9. Thanks bro Qxnviolet for the introduction... with a 4ft cube, u better go for some serious equipments
  10. Yeah... sad but unavoidable... but with 2 powerful skimmers running... I don't think a dead fish will affect my water chemistry much I'm still trying to look for it... both in tank and outside
  11. Has anyone seen an albino mushroom before? This specimen grown out of the bottom (doesn't get much light) and it's been growing bigger and bigger. It looks slightly translucent.
  12. Update!!! But the sad thing is... 1 of the 2 Purple Firefish I introduced yesterday was not looking too good this afternoon... now missing-in-action Possibly the first casualty in Perc90.
  13. Have u already gotten all the equipments? If not, do tell us ur plans... we can help also But 1 thing for sure... u hv to allocate a significant budget to be able to maintain that kinda water volume.
  14. Look for Cheng Hock... and mention Jacky or Jervis for a big fat discount
  15. Yeah the smaller specimen is very shy... and now missing in action
  16. Was at AM late last night... nothing much happening... oh plenty of $5 Brown Tang and a slightly faded Koran.
  17. Bro, love your ######... how big is that specimen?
  18. Yes they prefer Mysis coz it's more satisfying for them... Brines are too bite size
  19. You guys are so crazy over suns nowadays... lovely... but don't forget to feed them ur gourmet recipe
  20. Hehe... no photo place I can recommend except that Adelphi one... Bro Hammy if you don't post some pix soon... this thread will end up being a chat room... If you decide to start a new thread tomorrow morning, pls do so... just don't add a heart for the new thread, lol (same as me)
  21. Wow! A 4ft cube!!! Well it's not impossible to keep... based on the general rule that larger tanks are easier to maintain in terms of water conditions... so go ahead, post in every details... we will guide you along the way Welcome to SRC!!!
  22. Bro... u better start saving... I am gonna upgrade real soon
  23. Sorry I can't... but u guys go ahead. Have fun... and surprise us tomorrow!!! Look for Nelson and mention my name
  24. Bro the picture shown is a sump model (with suction cups at the bottom). You need to hang it on the side of ur tank. And that sponge is not needed as it is very awful looking. Just the bare 9005 willdo the job well. Looks like u still have a couple of inches in front to play with rockscaping. One thing to take note of is... check the diameter of the collection cup. If the cup is wider than the body, you may have a bit of wasted space when fit into the tank coz u can't flush the skimmer to the corner. Best is drop by RD to check for urself, I'm sure they have stock.
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