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Senior Reefer
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Everything posted by jervismun

  1. Of course ok lah... but which frag I bid for??? I'm confused by all ur pix, lol.
  2. Bro dun be like that lah... u must get out of ur depressed mood very soon coz 3 more papers coming... in fact 2 days from now... wait till u finish, we will all give u support to rebuild ur tank to its former glory I will give you 101% moral support, if u need "Banglah"... then don't call me
  3. 1 of these days... you must bring me around all these LFS... I have not been to a lot of those that u mentioned
  4. I inherited this Nemo from a bro (decom tank)... so dunno if adding another pair will actually agitate them... unless I can find a nice pair of True Perc... then will try to catch this Nemo out for adoption... bro Cool u got a pair?
  5. Not a very pretty design I must say... sorry AM... come up with a better looking design next time, ok?
  6. Emm... what's happening?!? Must be the recent rainy days
  7. The clams are really very much happier sitting on the LR... can u spot my tiny fish?
  8. Don't go BB... it's hideous... wanna try AM Hydrocarbon (fine) for the substrate? But u will need a hell-of-a-lot of them!!! Mind sharing with us your lighting plan? Always curious how ppl illuminate such a large cube
  9. Real "Broke-Back Mountains"... can't see ur small island in front leh? Can show us a front shot? Em... 2 large mountains to the north... 1 small island to the south... em... wonder where bro Assamfish got the inspiration from
  10. The reflection of my Solite Type 3... with single MH on...
  11. Not really... will give myself a few days to decide... actually, the Reefpack may go... so perhaps some scaping after its removal
  12. A section of the front view... the smaller Purple Firefish is still around
  13. The sunny left side somehow... the tank looks wider than expected for a 3ft...
  14. The secretive right side of the tank... seldom featured as there isn't much happeningzzz over here... yet Can you find Nemo?
  15. A closer shot showing most of my Zoos open-up
  16. But if u r to buy from a reefer, then no need to wait lah... straight away can add into ur tank... but u must take the rock from his water-filled tank and rush home quickly. You need to make ur rockscape as high as possible to hide the pumps behind. You can also push the scaping nearer to the back so u can have another small island in front. No need to leave too much room behind, wasted space.
  17. You can't introduce uncured LR... I'm sure u r aware of that... wanna try get it from other bros?
  18. Really??? Em... let me try tonight
  19. Test kit for Iodine is not very reliable I heard, so don't bother... Protein?!?
  20. I just started using Grotech kH+Ca 1... not very much expensive as it comes in a super big bottle... cannot tell the result yet as this is my second day using it Someone got a new toy
  21. Someone told me got exam... wanna do it slowly... so typical man!!! Just like me... can't wait right?!? The glass looks crystal clear! A bit more LR (with caves) ur tank gonna rock!!!
  22. I was comparing having a betta box in sump/tank to a plastic tank with air bubbles
  23. Err... oh yeah... u bring ur wife along later right? Glad u seriously thinking of getting a good skimmer... can also consider Deltec u know. Bring ur dimensions over also, so we can also consider other pro brands. IMHO protein skimmer is one of the most important piece of equipments in the entire setup. And yes, it's normal for guys to brag about their wives...
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