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Everything posted by jervismun

  1. To be frank with you... I am not very convinced by all 3 brand names... Sunsun, Jinlong, Rainbow... hehe. Perhaps you wanna look for a reputable custom tank manufacturer instead... and yes, I think these Taiwanese/Chinese companies should relook at their naming and branding
  2. Emm... before yesterday... I know u envy of my Leopard Wrasse... but now... oops I shouldn't reveal your
  3. Emm... not sure which snowy thing u refering to... 1. Reflection of my LCD screen? U can see SRC there... need to off the monitor next time 2. My new SPS 3. Microbubbles from Reefpack 500... a bit annonying sometimes... but not a constant occurance
  4. Hehe that's what I did when I bought my Solite Type 3... once I receive the Solite, I posted at Pasar Malam to sell the tubes. WTS: 2 150W 10000ºK FOC 2 T5 tubes (Aqualux brand) So manage to sell it right away, no one interested in used tubes... unless dirt cheap. But if cheapo brand T5 tubes... gonna be hard to sell. I have to give mine as freebies.
  5. Don't think it will make too much difference as the majority of the water will bypass ur FR due to bottleneck there... however, Aquabee is a more superior pump... so might have a better result in terms of energy consumption, vibration, heat emission, etc... but don't expect the difference to be too drastic I'm using 3 Sicces in my tank... coz Aquabees are so $$$
  6. But you need to shake the FR a bit once in a while to increase flow... that's normal... but having a FR running on a T connecting to main circulation is not a good solution IMO. Coz FR tends to get a lot of resistance especially running for a while (sorta slightly clogged by blah blah) and since your outlet doesn't give any pressure to the water flow, more water will automatically flow towards your outlet, bypassing ur FR... so it's not as efficient as running a dedicated small pump for the FR. But since heat is a major issue in ur tank, perhaps explore other ways to improve the situation... and I believe ur Sicce is good enough a pump.
  7. Emm... sounds very convincing... AM also have a better version called Antiphos FE... damn expensive... also no need FR coz the particles are coarse... but I will still rely on a FR coz no matter what they claim coz I already bought one Hahaha... no lah, the truth is, I still believe that a good FR will allow more even flow (in a controllable manner) through every particles where as in a big bag, the core particles may not even get proper/decent water flow for them to perform, hence wastage. Unless you squeeze the bag a bit and mix them around every week or so. It's down to personal choice I guess... and yes an extra pump will add heat to your tank for sure
  8. True... sorry for asking that "Rare or not?" question... sorry bro for dilluting ur thread... Uppz for ur sale!
  9. Rowaphos and yet u have a high PO4... perhaps the amount is insufficient in the FR, dumping bad is so much lesser in terms of efficiency compared to FR (IMO redundant)... I guess the only way is to increase flow and 200g RowaPhos... hehe I'm sure u know what to do next... How old is the Rowaphos btw?
  10. Not a good option... algaes are extremely resilient, so if the nutrients level running low in ur tank... it is your corals that will suffer... once the first coral dies... polluting the water... the algae will bloom again... haiz What phosphate removal media u r using? And what's in ur FR?
  11. Or you guys should go together... so much more fun to have fellow reefers to give second opinion before purchase... but Altantis... you bought a lot yesterday, sure you wanna do another round of spree? Remember... ur 9005 is still in its "running-in phase". Ok lah... maybe go and buy 1 piece of really rare specimen... impressed be tonight ok? Make me envy... "eyes red-red"
  12. Hehe... I was there too... wonder who u r?
  13. So what r u gonna add in next? Rare Zoos? IMO Zoos spread too fast for ur tank... maybe a bit more Suns since Suns are not dependent on lighting... and they are so so striking!!! Go ahead and do it ahead of the guys... a SUN CUBE!!!
  14. Get some good T5 tubes... that's a must if you wanna go T5. Coz the watt/gal for T5 is quite borderline, so u must rely on better tubes. I heard ATI is the best (but very costly and hard to find)... D-D (Deltec) is not bad also, I'm using them now. Remember don't "save a few bucks" on T5 tubes... just like running an underpower car... if you still go for the cheapest petrol in town... might as well take bus, lol.
  15. I'm using tap water for top up too. Bought a RO/DI 4 stage only to find it too much of a hassle and can be very costly to operate since there will be a lot of water wastage (too much discharge as waste water). So continue using tap water without much problem. Yes, need to do preparation beforehand for sure. But if you have solid equipments running in the tank, the tiny bit of impurities introduced during top up will not make any impact to the biotope. However, if you are into 20% to 25% weekly water change, then have to take extra care. The impurities can be very significant. Preparation prior to that (to salt mix using tap water) can definitely help. I am thinking of getting another AM Photphatfiler and a small pump to do the job. Hang the Phosphafilter inside the bucket and let it run for 2 days before using the salt mix (make sure the salt lvl is right before putting in the Phosphatfilter). I am thinking of filling the Phosphat filter with Antiphos (to remove Phosphate), Carbolite (Active Carbon) and HydroCarbon (to increase calcium lvl and as buffer). The pump can also help circulate water inside the bucket for better salt mixing and increase dissolved oxygen. What you guys think? Note: The NO3 in tap water (Woodlands) is 5 to 10!!! Pix: Phosphatfilter currently using in my main tank, 50% Antiphos + 50% Carbolit.
  16. I started a Nano Cube (with curved sides and bowfront)... then upgraded to a normal rectangular tank coz, the curves and such are just a novelty at the beginning. Cleaning the corners with magnet is hard, and fishes look distorted at angles. Don't thing those tanks are meant for saltwater, so the thickness may not be sufficient. Unless those tanks are made of tempered glass, then can go slightly thinner glass. If not, IMO 12mm to 15mm thick glass is norm for a 6ft. Acrylic... err... not too sure... but you will surely get scratches along the way one... no matter how careful. So it's for u to decide. Yes, you are right to think carefully... tank is the hardest to upgrade, so must plan properly at the beginning. And if you compared the cost of the tank to the equipments you will be needing for the entire 6ft setup, the tank may only make up of 7% to 10% of the total setup cost. So no point cutting corners and "save a few bucks" here. Doesn't make much sense IMHO. For me, I upgraded from a JBJ NC (made in China, if I'm not wrong) to an Aqua Medic tank (made in Germany using tempered glass for strength and safety). Hope this helps!
  17. It's so rare to see a Sis so passionate about reefing... keep it up SIS!!! Irwana have some Zoos (not opened last night), but only few pieces... got a feeling they are not from Tonga... Batam maybe
  18. No PT for me... yeah this guy is surprisingly stable... even during climatization... just being lucky I guess But I always have luck with AM's
  19. It's not a must to get the clown a home... so yes, with the small volume of water, ur tank can't possibly survive a nuclear meltdown On the bright side... u can go LFS shopping again
  20. Very impressive collection of Mushrooms... nice
  21. What's in ur FR? If you want the algae to go... try bring down PO4 to around 0.03, that will starve them a bit... and try not to dose too much coral food and blah right now, coz ur tank doesn't have much coral... all the expensive nutrients u poured in is being used by the algae to grow like crazy You better do something before u go full swing with ur new T5 lighting
  22. Was at Ah Beng 9pm last night... damn huge shipment!!! Lot's of Angels, Tangs, Wrasses and Clowns. Also spotted some bizarre looking creatures... looks like very deep sea fishes. Nice Flame Angels and Lemon Yellow Tangs (the paler version).
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