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Everything posted by jervismun

  1. I was there 6.00pm till 8.00pm... bought some BACTERIAS... try it out Did some rescaping... removed the Reefpack 500... and my new rockscape Don't even dare to post a pix Will rescape tomorrow or the day after tomorrow Got a feeling someone will collect my Reefpack 500 this weekend
  2. Hehe... I got a feeling this sales thread is gonna end soon
  3. Nah... the BIG MAC is way too BIGGGGG to my liking... and the body is way too white/pale... perhaps something more ornate... I used to keep a 2-spots... very nice "helicopter"... don't have any "snow falling" incidents... maybe still very tiny Then commited suicide by trying to breath on air (without water)
  4. Err... my apologies... wrong info... those guys did a good job installing the light for bro Altantis... <Can't edit previous post>
  5. Cityofangels... trust me... you will find yourself another tank pretty soon... lol After all my past experiences, I've decided not to get rid of my tank when I'm ready to give up... just wrap it with a white cloth... after 2 months, the hand start to itch again Or when Disney launch Finding Nemo II
  6. Actually Mandarin is nice... I know... blah blah blah... but I bought mine from Irwana, I was there around 6.30pm... feeding time for them and they were feeding Mysis. When I saw my Mandarin eating Mysis, I quickly catch it!!! Mandarin will be a very nice fish for your tank... not costly also... just need to find one that eats well... mine even eat pellets nowadays
  7. I shall not talk to you for the next few days... when will u finish all 3 papers? Life is full of restrictions... u have ur Empress Dowager... I have my Internal Affairs Minister...
  8. Gone Maybe I will attempt SPS again 1 year later or so...
  9. I know... give away all ur other fishes and start a Yellow Goby tank!!! Maybe can throw in 10!!! Shouldn't have feeding problem since they all eat so slow...
  10. Wah bro... u install the T5 yourself? Shame on those who sell you the unit for not installing it for you If I buy an Aqua Medic light from Aqua Mart, they promise to install it (all the way to the ceiling) for me
  11. After failing to keep my Birdsnest alive... (yes, it's totally white now)... I've decided to invest further to improve the condition of my water. Not another piece of equipment but to invest in bacterias Yes BACTERIAS Here's what I bought today: System Reef-resh™ by Polyp Lab. Pristine water. The way your corals want it. System Reef-resh™ is an innovative method for true low-nutrient reef keeping. By harnessing the power of microbial activity, the system provides a natural and non-chemical solution to unwanted nutrients in home aquaria. Benefits of running System RF include: • Greatly enhanced colouration of corals • Increased growth rates of corals • Marked improvement in water quality • Decreased nuisance algae outbreaks • Improved fish health • Decreased parasite outbreaks It's quite costly... but I'm willing to give it a try... at least the Bacterias will keep my "3-dollars-a-frag" Zoos very very happy
  12. Em... interesting... but it can grow into a BIG MAC!!! 7" Goby?!?
  13. Hehe... was at Aqua Mart just now... updates tonight
  14. All T5 blasted? Em... looks a bit blue to me... can u specify ur tubes and arrangement? I saw 2 plugs, so assuming separate control for 2 x 2 T5. Wah! The Carpet Anemone is a rare species... good for you Just keep it alive ok? If not, donate to me lah
  15. Err... they are more like gangsters to me ... poor Leopard Wrasse... must call 1800-SAVE-MALDIVES already
  16. Thanks for the compliment... I can't join u guys coz I need to focus on other things these 2 weeks... such as... equipments and water quality... got a feeling my tank is at the brink of a crash if I don't put a stop to LS buying Maybe can consider a pair of Gobies to clean the sand bed, although I do not have much sand area... my Sand Sifting Star is doing a great job... and my Wrasses been busy too... Mandarin always pecks on the sand bed... Tangs too... but still can see deritrus and unfinished food sometimes What gobies u guys recommending? I want something that looks nice and will not grow too big... that thing in AM's small tank is really scary... reminds me so much of a giant lizard
  17. GET YOUR TANK!!?!?!? Bro u getting a new tank!?! Wah so fun!!! Wanna start a new thread?
  18. Can't remember... was reading his thread, I PMed him right away asking him to PM u
  19. I know... but I was not referring to your tank
  20. Emm... looking at my LS... u guys think a pair of Yellow Goby will stand a chance?
  21. Since all my current Zoos are (categorized as) common Zoos... I will let them mix a bit... no harm. But once I start to introduce more $ Zoos, I will keep them pure... must not mix-blood... need the best pedigree Btw... between life and death... I think the Anemone is very happy in this location... look at those "condom-looking" tentacles... seriously... I think it looks exactly like "rubber"
  22. So is ur Filefish still in ur tank? I think a bro is looking for a Filefish to control is Aiptasia outbreak
  23. So the Leopard is out full-time already?
  24. I am waiting for them to mix... want to see the effect... like a bowl of M&Ms
  25. Wah now pro already lah... distributing photos for avatars
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