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Everything posted by jervismun

  1. And bro... thawing and refreezing of food may encourage pathogen and bacteria growth... not worth the risk in my opinion
  2. The SH looking very happy bro!!! I knew they will thrive in your refugium
  3. I filled the tank with some Live Mysis I manage to find the day before I leave for my trip... but in the long run... I really need to find a solution
  4. Very nice Prata Tank there... can see you have added some SPS at the back You need to introduce a home for your Percs
  5. Of course I don't mind... now I really need to plan for that
  6. An article by Coral Magazine has a picture of a hybrid Black Tang that looks very similar to mine... they believe it is a cross-breed between Black Tang and Scopas (Brown Tang). This hybrid specimen of mine is not entirely black, the face portion is slightly silverish with silver short lines as motif. The same article also mentioned that the hybrid Black Tang is less agressive and hardier compared to pure Black Tang. Now that's interesting
  7. Actually never thought of that... I was awestruck by the sight of them thriving and those fishes swimming around me
  8. Lots of extremely large SPS colonies... amazing tabling Acroporas
  9. This place is perfect for snorkeling... SPS (shaded area in the pix) grow very close to the beach... at some points the SPS are so close to the water surface is it impossible to snorkel over without hurting yourself
  10. The nearest hotel is Laguna Resort and it's about 20 min boat ride from the Marine Park Centre
  11. It's definitely worth the trip... go for it bro! This is not just an island... it is a preserved Marine Park.. there is basically no development around the area
  12. Our "little" ship can only dock 30 mins away from the Marine Park... gotto take a transfer boat
  13. Alright... here's a shot of my female Reidi enjoying her morning Pod Hunting The SH seems "at home" with this kind of macroalgae Will be away for a few days... white sand beaches...here I come
  14. I have something ugly to share with you guys My Black Tang (hybrid) been with me for almost 1 year... contracted "hole in the head" since young... been strong and healthy... but unsightly Any reefers with experience in curing and preventing? As far as I know... I've been feeding my LS a great variety of food
  15. Stop counting please Aquatronica is less that $3k in total (with additional probes and power bars)
  16. Another shot of my new Green Monster
  17. They recovered from the white beard long time ago
  18. Ok will announce once closer to the selected date... now how about FoxFace Dance?
  19. Here's my PBT... first attempt and it's been with me for more than 1/2 year
  20. Have you finish reading? I will try to organize a small gathering next month... will let you know
  21. Nice collection of SPS... I must pay you a visit the next time I am in KL
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