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Everything posted by jervismun

  1. Bro... relax lah... at least yours is not covered with White Spots I think it's expected for them not to feed every single meal... if so easy to keep... you already see a MI in every reefers tank lah... Don't let it affect your day
  2. Emm... all the best to your new future!!! New future = new tank!!!
  3. Wah now very 'fren" with Henry lah... I'm sure he will be able to help you fix your problem/s... sometimes it's good to just go to 1 LFS to take care of your water... like me, A.Mart been very helpful, CH knows everything about my tank (that's good) so that he knows what I'm currently dosing, what I need to add, what I can eliminate... so talk to 1 LFS is good IMO. If not, there's always a danger of overdosing because a lot of the additives overlap each other... so may cause more harm than good LFS A will try to sell this to you... LFS B sell you another brand in another trade name... so sometimes we blur and dose both It happens all the time... and not to mention the $$$ wasted. And always be careful when the LFS tell you... "aiya this product cheap and good"... there's no such thing one-lor
  4. Wow! A single dosage can bring down P04 by 1.5??? Well done!
  5. No I didn't remove any corals... that's the point of the rescaping... to create more space... so naturally it'll look more empty
  6. For NO3, I read from top (medium range) as my NO3 is always around 10 to 15. As for Salifert Mg TK... I find it quite easy and straight-forward. I still don't think your Mg should go to that extreme low... what salt mix you using?
  7. How high is your PO4 Hammy? This product looks potent
  8. Will go LS shopping tomorrow (Sunday)... most prob in town area... will look for more COLOURS!!!
  9. I got a piece for free... just for you. Come and collect! No need pix lah!
  10. So how? Collected your tank already? Bro, I seriously want you to adopt my Sun leh! Come over lah!
  11. You can't recognize it?!? Come on...
  12. You guys think I should try Prata? Yeah... my sand bed is a bit too empty now... love the Stream!!! Extremely powerful... just running at lowest power
  13. Yes the White Spots are back... lesser than yesterday though Luckily the MI is at least feeding on Frozen Brine Shrimp... will add some Garlic Guard to the food tomorrow...
  14. New scaping... with lots of room to hang and place larger corals... the right column is not the official Yuma corner The new Tunze Stream 6000 is visible on the right top corner.
  15. Hi Altantis 1) Sg is good 2) pH is fine... 7.9 during "off-light" is quite acceptable (tackle other issues first) 3) KH very low... can be quite possible... get something to raise KH (but don't get those that will also increase Calcium) High Calcium can also bring down KH. You need to at least raise it to 8 to 9. Go get another set of KH test kit, the Salifert one is quite good IMO. 4) Your NO3 is very good... but I think you are confused by the high resolution and low resolution. If read from top, have different test method... if read from side, you add in less additives... blah. Check instructions sheet. 5) Don't worry too much about high Calcium, tackle the others first especially your low KH... very worrying. 6) Mg... very low... got a feeling your test kit is not doing a good job. Btw, do you read the test kits under bright white fluorescent light / sunlight? Don't trust your tank light and halogen/spotlight... they distort colours... it helps to get second opinion too, ask your wife also... 2 is better than 1... in case we got minor colour blind which is very very common nowadays
  16. The remaining Anemone is looking quite healthy But Big Mama returns
  17. I personally don't think freshwater dip is necessary. Unless the Yuma comes with a very large piece of rock... but again, I am still learning from many mistakes... I may FW dip in the future Or even Q it for a while before introduction Whatever it is... it seems that having a second Q tank is quite unavoidable
  18. Sorry, should've reply u earlier... before I start, just want to let you know I am still relatively new, not an expert. 1) Where u get the dead corals rock from? From your FW tank? Or souvenirs from some exotic island? If those branched white corals, then don't use coz they are all bleached (even colouring may be added). Yes, a few pieces of Live Rocks (LR) can seed the rest. In fact, you can even seed ur existing rocks using Nitrifying Bacteria (bottles or tablets), but adding LR will surely speed the process. 2) LR doesn't require light (during the cycling period). Unless you want to grow purple coralline algae, then some light is required. Direct sunlight is a good source, but beware of algae also. You don't want your entire tank to fill with algae while cycling Jervis
  19. Sound very serious... when was "day 1"? Sorry can't help much... check you water parameter, can be the major cause of the stress ur YT is going through.
  20. IMHO, MH is not a must. If you are not planning to go SPS anytime soon, then T5 is a good option. There are 2 scenarios here: 1. GOT CHILLER - Since you planning to introduce a chiller, heat is not so much a problem. Then go ahead and invest in MH so that you don't have to worry about upgrading few months down the road when u decide to keep more light demanding corals. IMO more light is better than insufficient light... most corals will melt and die without proper lighting (that is for sure). Yes, 150W is more than sufficient. You may also need T5 (actinic blue). 2. NO CHILLER - Don't ever ever try MH without a chiller. Will surely fry your LS, easily reach 33ÂșC in a hot day!!! Then go for T5. But the problem with T5 is, you need a lot of tubes to satisfy the corals. So now, you need a lot of space on top of the tank to allow for 6 tubes (at least). And don't try to save on T5 tubes coz you can't... go for the best tubes you can afford... ATI being the best, DD second... Aqua Medic acceptable... the rest... don't bother changing, just use the ones that come with the fixture (this is based on my opinion). If cost is an issue... both MH and T5 costs about the same... if you consider getting 6 to 8 tubes of ATI T5!!! The only savings are the chiller and the heavy electricity bill that comes with it. If you want to learn more about my Solite Type 3 (150W MH x 2 + 39W T5 x 2) check my thread. Hope this helps
  21. I stay at Woodlands but hv not been to Blk 818... no lah... if not rare, dun wanna waste time I only interested in nice/hard-to-find/rare corals nowadays ... oh yeah... what a brag... do forgive me... 1 week after pay-day always like that one mah... next week I will start begging for free corals already
  22. Moved to a new location with lower flow... thanks bro for your tips. Wah... 10 mouths! Lucky you
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