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Everything posted by jervismun

  1. Tried feeding it... no luck... I put some frozen mysis in its slightly-opened mouth and no reaction from it... I waited for about 20 mins still nothing until "kena" snatched by my Six Line Wrasse. I really have no idea what to do next... I just emailed the seller and hopefully will get a reply on the matter soon
  2. I'm serious you know... vice-versa lah... or else how to go for a long holidays without worrying about the tank day and night? Surely cannot enjoy the trip So tomorrow around 7pm ok? I will probably go LFS before that to look for another piece of Prata to ease my pain... I am feeling so so sad and (slightly) cheated Don't ask me where I bought it... I shall keep it a secret
  3. Too bad you don't have Prata or else I can buy from you... I need a new specimen to take my sadness off the old specimen... there's nothing much I can do really... but to watch it
  4. Don't introduce now... let the MI stable or go heaven first... then wait a while... Tangs are very prone to white spots... now I am very worry for my Chevron ... and now I also have my Prata to worry about
  5. Err... so confusing... I will just bring all my test kits!!! Don't give me award leh... since we stay so near... there will be time I need your help... for example... 2 weeks holiday...
  6. Hehe... I know u got credit card So tomorrow, what test kits you need? I will also bring along my JBJ Digi-lab (for testing Sg) too. Since I will come straight from work, I can't bring corals for you, sorry.
  7. Em... has anyone try counting how many legs a star fish has?
  8. If you have $$$ buy all lah, if you thinking of adding Chromis and Nemo... I think should be sufficient. The rest should follow before you add shrimps, sea stars and corals.
  9. Hehe... I hope you don't find ur Pink Yuma anywhere near the PH2000
  10. Yalor... so naive... I even ensure got enough space around it to fully open
  11. Oh you mean Marine Life? I believe so... u can PM bro Altantis, he were there yesterday to get Test Kits I think... I heard certain Salifert TK out of stock.
  12. Damn! Look at the size of that Yuma ... the Tricolor on the top right is opening well (larger than when I first saw it at Irwana's tank)... the 2 Spotted Yumas are still not opening well
  13. Here's a macro of my Green Gonio... this is the max the polyps extended today... now they retracted back into their skeleton
  14. Obviously... I have better macros ... but you have better and healthier corals
  15. Thanks bro for the encouragement... just what I need... I really really want to have something red/pink in my tank... so this piece shall not fail I do have sufficient Calcium and I will further bring down my Phosphate so that the algae will have no nutrients to spread further... let me add some more Antiphos
  16. Yalor... sold how to return right? Em... I also dun wan the next guy to "kena" like me... I'm sure there are a lot of newbies out there too eager to get a piece of pink/red prata You guys think I can help it recover? What are the chances?
  17. I'm very depressed lor... can't imagine I bought the Prata... you think I can bring it back to the LFS?
  18. Ok lah... since super rare... I take all... I will issue you a cheque for $25,000.00... keep the change... and go get yourself a new 5ft Deltec tank
  19. Wah... that's a very nice coral you have there... is that the newly discover out-of-water Pink/Red Sun Coral?
  20. Here's more... I'm quite proud of my 2 Croceas actually... been with me for almost 2 months now
  21. Hehe... I'm sure you can do it too You want More? More? More?
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