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Everything posted by jervismun

  1. Found the body... slightly covered with slime... prob happened last night
  2. Hehe... a large sand bed waiting to be covered... hopefully not by algae
  3. Wow... really open up nicely... look at the length of those tentacles I think it will continue growing...
  4. Yes... incl. bro Hammy 4 of us using the same piece of equipment... how weird If not good... we will have a hard time selling coz Pasar Malam will have 4 pieces there
  5. I want one too... putting it on the left side of the tank. The only problem is, I will have lesser view from the left... which means... less window to clean? Yahoo!!!
  6. No lah... dun waste money get the 9002, it will not solve your problem. The reason why I recommend Deltec MCE600 is the extra compartment for you to put ur Rowaphos and etc. I've seen the unit, I think it will fit nicely behind ur tank, thru the opening. But that means, you have to go without ur Biostar Flotor... which may or may not be a good thing. I think ur Biostar is working very well for your tank No hurry, but I can wait for you so that we upgrade together I'm too busy with my corals anyway
  7. I know... something is happening soon... I can just sense it... something start with the letter D end with the letter C Em... let me check with Oracle... oh yeah... Oracle says doesn't have to wait too long wor... another 1 week or so... the sign will reveal itself
  8. True... test test test!!! Try not to buy second hand test kits from reefers as the quality of most test kits will start to degenerate (slowly) after 6 months of opening... but these are essentials you have to invest in. I can't even wait 2 weeks!!! Unless really broke, got no money... but even then, it's so tempting to get FOC fishes from reefers... clown FOC here, damsels FOC there... hermit FOC here
  9. And I think u didn't aclimatize it properly...
  10. With NO3 as high as 100 You are so lucky to have only 1 missing cleaner shrimp But your leather corals and YT look really really healthy And your 3 amigos also.
  11. Emm... if it works... I can just get rid of my Denitrator!!! Much easier just dosing alongside my other weekly regime.
  12. Yeah not everything coz my Zoos will be the "last-man-standing" I manage to bring Sg from 1.207 to 1.025 within 1 1/2 hour yesterday... come to think of it, I should've done it slower To date, missing/dead fishies: 1. 2 Benggai Cardinal 2. 1 Maroon Clown (Male) 3. 1 Pink Skunk Clown 4. 1 Green Chromis (with me since day 1) Em... seems like smaller fishes are more fragile and less resistant to high Sg.
  13. For me... buying is easy (coz I only eat 1 meal a day)... now the challenge is to maintain them and make them happy... so far I've not been a good keeper... let my Sg rose to 1.027 also blur-blur... almost kill everything
  14. But looking at bro's original question (and the condition of his tank). It is beneficial for him to run his skimmer to remove unwanted deritrus and wastes. He is not really at the beginning of the A N N cycle, so no point letting things rot and create more Ammonia to deal with later. Skimmer "on" or "off" very much depending on which stage and which method one goes for. As for bro, he is smart enough to buy LR from a fellow reefer, fresh from his tank. According to an author, beneficial bacterias are already inhibiting the cured LR, why wipe them off with another round of A N N? Maintain them, if not create optimum water condition for them to multiply quickly. Objective: Keep them alive and happy Fact: How optimum can one achieve without running the protein skimmer? For those using uncured LR, yes, no point running your skimmer as you want things to rot in your tank to create enough Ammonia to kick-start the cycle. But that is a different scenario altogether.
  15. I can't answer all your questions. Molting is a good thing, shrimps need to molt to grow bigger. Yes, they need Iodine to molt.
  16. It is... was there at his place and the 4 T5 is wonderfully bright!!! Although still cannot fight with 150W MH, but the effect is good coz his tank is only 1ft depth. Bro wonder what method u will use to bring down NO3... Nitratreductor takes around 2 to 3 weeks to kicks-in FYI.
  17. Ah... nothing beats mother nature and not to mention 300W of savings on electricity bills
  18. Really? Actinic Blue T5 or MH? I wouldn't do that... well, why limit to only night view when you can have both day and night? Don't see a point of going all blue even if some species can survive... just gonna restrict coral selection In fact, I'm beginning to like my BLV 14000ºK a lot. I've been running both 150W for the last few days together with my 2 actinic blue T5s. The effect is almost crystal white... amazing! But once I off my blue T5, the tank looks yellowish... But it's quite amazing... the brightness... of course, I do place my corals according to their needs... one problem is, I am still confused between Gonio and Alveopora... they have very different requirement, so if mix up
  19. Nice idea.... but then they will start telling you... our shipment from Sulawesi one hor... not Singapore or Bintan But you can always try sell it to fellow reefers. If beneficial, I need 5 to 10 pieces
  20. Add some good bacteria into your tank... u should replenish everytime you do water change. Also, I think something wrong with your FR. Your current FR, filled with Rowaphos Pro should be able to do the job since you are way too underload at the moment... check the flow, too strong flow is bad, but too slow also not good... talking of which, I need to fix mine tomorrow. Regarding skimmer, don't be afraid to let it skim lah... release the knob... don't worry. At least ur skimmer cup is within the tank, so if it ever overflow, it will not end up on the floor, so don't worry. Wet or dry, just skim!!!
  21. Good stuff!!! I saw some at Paradiz Reef last weekend
  22. Nice twin peaks scaping... like ur bunch of Chromis... always wanted to have a school of them Keep posting!
  23. Last posting before I switch off my Actinic Blues... can the Elegance thrive with slightly stronger flow? Still opening up... revealing more of the fluorescent green center
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