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Everything posted by jervismun

  1. Hehe... welcome to the club bro... been running a 1000 for 3 weeks now, the result is good. If you are using it outside sump (like me) be very careful with the sealing (lid using 8 clamps) as high pressure may contribute leak. So I have to place my 1000 closest, at the same height as my tank. So, if you have it outside your tank, IMO get a new piece. As AM been improving on the clampings... so the old model may LEAK!!! Oh, mine took 2+ weeks to have NO3 = 0 result (tests on water coming out of the 1000). Definitely not a plug and play equipment. I heard 400 is out of stock. And Deniballs are also out of stock. So, a bad bad time for new buyers. I manage to get 16 used Deniballs... still not enough.
  2. How about my KH? Will do another round of water change this weekend, hopefully will bring bring Calcium down. Will test Magnesium again... been using Aqua Medic Reef Salt.
  3. Here you go... refer to signature below. Did a thorought test yesterday.
  4. Lights are on... here's a shot of my Yuma Highlands... most of them are still
  5. Yeah those nice ones are extremely expensive... go by polyp/mouth. Damn it! If you like a piece of rock covered with polyps But with your tank conditions... no prob lah... they are just mushroom
  6. PMed you... but the only set back for this product (besides the steep cost) is commitment. Must dose everyday (3 drops using pipet)... 1 bottle before photosynthesis, 3 bottles after photosynthesis. Must also stay refrigerated all the time. So if I go for a long holiday...
  7. Do take note how long does it take for your foam to return... shouldn't be too long. If take more than 2 hours, then can check with Seet... see what went wrong... coz it is not healthy for the tank to have "on" and "off" skimming. Should be continuous 24/7.
  8. Sad to hear your experience... but in comparison I think bro LEE has gone through a horrid experience too. Thanks guys for the reminder, I will relook at my connections and pipings to avoid similar catastrophe. Give up? Nah...
  9. The chiller will heat up ur sump too... so the heat will go back to the water. As experienced by bro Nakazoru, he got 2 large CPU fans on each side of the cabinet, still not sufficient. So now, he is cracking his head to get it fixed. IMO, if you really need to put it in ur cabinet, make sure u have a deflector to channel the hot air to avoid the sump. And CPU fans are not gonna do the job. Most probably u should be looking at Exhaust Fan... which can be very ugly looking
  10. I think that's a Red Fromia (star)... bro QX, your Yuma really is a bit pale, do post new pix of it... what colour ah? Make me drool
  11. Been dosing the Polyp Lab System Reef-resh™ for 9 days now... Time for an update. Let's see if their claims have been fulfilled: • Greatly enhanced colouration of corals Jervis: Emm... colours are not too bad... quite noticable actually, especially my Zoos. • Increased growth rates of corals Jervis: Still too early I guess... but a few of my corals are opening very well... but some dying • Marked improvement in water quality Jervis: Parameters been pretty stable, except my extra high Sg (which I fixed 2 days ago) • Decreased nuisance algae outbreaks Jervis: This is very noticable... yupe, a lot lesser algae especially on glass panels. Quite amazing actually since now I run both MH. • Improved fish health Jervis: My latest fatality was Moorish Idol and Pink Skunk... maybe the 1.027 Sg killed them. But the others are very healthy looking... prob the Reef-resh™ helped a lot of my fishes recovered from the White Spots last week - no way to tell really. • Decreased parasite outbreaks Jervis: This is quite evident... after the intro of the Moorish Idol, I was so damn worried day and night... surprisingly, the White Spots does not spread to other fishes and fishes do look quite healthy. Conclusion... still too early to tell... as all the above claims are very hard to measure... very subjective and relative to other factors... only time can tell I will continue to strive for optimum water conditions... only then we can see the true power of this product.
  12. A brand new dosing pump easily cost more than $250!!!
  13. At least my Zoos are still looking quite healthy
  14. Sound a bit skeptical right? hehe... if it is that simple... all the equipments for controlling Nitrate will go down the rubbish chute already ... probably not a long term solution, but for crisis situation... nothing to loose right?
  15. Who knows.... it can be dyed... anyone want purple Bubbles? Ok back to the Elegance topic Bro Iantoh, whole prawn feed to the center, right? Not the tentacles (Quite a newbie question)
  16. Thanks bro Iantoh... I will also try to increase my Phyto dosage... perhaps lay my hands on a bottle of Oyster Eggs
  17. So does your Pistol live happily with ur Goby? Wah got preview one... looks like a piece of new equipment
  18. Ok I will not remove it yet... thanks bro Colinsoon for offering to help, but I believe the travelling and intro to new tank will further stress it... let's cross out fingers
  19. The Orange Plate is taking a lot longer... probably due to too much shifting around... it's quite hard to place it in a suitable location as it requires sand bed and low current... that space already occupied by my dying Prata Can you see the tiny tentacles coming out of the plate? The side facing the camera is getting higher current, therefore no tentacles
  20. Update before I The Elegance is still not fully opened yet, revealing more of the green center at times. I target fed its tentacles using Reefroid a while ago... and the tentacles reacted to my feeding
  21. Yeah must wear gloves... especially handling LR, sometimes, my thin latex glove get punctured too, so sometimes, I wear double layer. If lucky, "kena" minor sting can numb ur fingers for a week.
  22. Oh this is gonna hurt so bad... painful... really painful
  23. Another product to consider: Polyp Lab Reef Roid... IMO much better than Argent Cyclopeeze especially if your corals prefer finer particles... perfect for small polyp filter feeders such as my Blue Gorgonia. The polyps react instantly to Reef Roid... where as they usually take a while to react to Cyclopeeze coz the food is coarser.
  24. Omega One They are one of the few manufacturers that dare to state their ingredients as: 1. Whole Herring 2. Whole Salmon 3. blah... Ocean Nutrition Formula One only dare to write: 1. Shrimp meal 2. Sardine meal According to a LFS, "meal" means leftovers... sorta like paste in the end. So according to the LFS, Omega One is a more superior product... but again, probably he is just a very good sales person. I feed both brands
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