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Everything posted by jervismun

  1. I will let my tank settle down a bit... hey bro QX go and get more colours!!! I'm sure Janet will not "chop" people
  2. Hehe I bought from town lor... kena "chopped"
  3. Personally, I think Yumas are way overpriced... of all corals... mushroom that goes by mouth/polyp? The Yellow/Orange spotted ones are around $2x each mouth. That for me is already way too much. But that time was too desperate to introduce colours into my tank. The problem with Yumas... you need a bunch of them to make an impact, so you are looking at $400 to $500 investment
  4. Wow that's very long!!! I usually go 2 rounds, each around 3 mins... 10 mins apart. 3 times a week.
  5. Nothing much really... oh they still have like 10000 anemones!!! Wait... they do have some common Yumas.
  6. If you have pix to show, please email me at jervis.mun@mac.com
  7. I try not to overfeed them, bad for the coral, bad for the water, bad for the wallet... I use a extra large syringe with tube extension to do the job... works well for me so far. Bought it from AM for a couple of bucks!
  8. Are you using any Chiller at the moment? Artica is very expensive especially for larger models... dunno leh... still considering.
  9. Bro Soon, show us ur new tank leh... even without water... wanna see how it looks like
  10. The Elegance is opening again... the Purple Firefish always hangs around... their colour matches If successful, I will go look for another Elegance... love it!!!
  11. Welcome to Perc90 Drive-thru Car Wash
  12. Ok lah... I am quite broke already now... need to wait for until near end month
  13. I am not feeling well today... so work from home... at the same time monitoring my chiller... got a feeling my chiller, Teco RA240 is insufficient to chill the water quickly... will post a report later tonight, see if you guys can help me on this.
  14. Just cyclopeeze is not enough IMO, they need meaty food.
  15. Maybe after a while, they will rely so much on target feeding lor... as long as we can continue doing it... then no problem... IMO
  16. Ok... so the (spoon inside) is referring to the spoon itself? But all Salifert test kits that require scooping come with spoons, so why only mentioned here? But again... one spoon? Coz other test kits will mention 1 level spoon. They don't refer it as just 1 spoon. Perhaps this Mg test kit was done by another translator hence the inconsistency. Ok I will test my Mg again using 1 level spoon. You do have a point regarding target feed... yeah if they get too used to target feeding... they will lose their natural ability... just like us humans... I will wait for my para to settle first, then consider flooding the tank with caviar
  17. I have a question: What does "Add one spoon of powder (spoon inside) to the test vial..." means? All my other Salifert test kits go by "level spoon" which is quite clear... but spoon inside? Any experience bros out there?
  18. When you are ready, we go Yuma shopping together... I know of a nice place
  19. Here's a four part pix to show how quickly my Yuma (on the left) responds to light. Each pix was taken 5 to 10 seconds apart
  20. Can't be referring to the free spoon, coz the other sets come with it also... something wrong with the translation I think
  21. Wow! Lot's of useful info there... I am currently using Salifert Mg test kit. I have a question: What does "Add one spoon of powder (spoon inside) to the test vial..." means? All my other Salifert test kits go by "level spoon" which is quite clear... but spoon inside? Perhaps I am not testing my Mg correctly. Any experience bros out there?
  22. Bro Tigger... fill up the entire NR with Sulphur beads? Em... maybe I can do that to my NR1000
  23. Red Goniopora slowly opening... longest tentacles so far for the past 2 days Pix taken 1 hour after switching on the Actinic T5s.
  24. That's one thing I like about this hobby... one can never stop learning... 1. I will try to bring down my NO3 = 1. Will try to reduce feeding frozen food (been feeding a lot due to the Moorish Idol, the only LS that refused pellets). Since the Nitratreductor is finally working, should be able to reach NO3 = 1 pretty soon. 2. Will bring down PO4 further, to an undetectable level. Just changed the flow of my Phosphatfilter (filled with Aqua Medic Antiphos and Carbolit). Previously bottom up, the flow is too weak... using a Sicce 800l/h pump. Now top down, with the help of gravity, the flow is at least double. This increase of flow will help bring down PO4 significantly IMO, will do another PO4 test tonight. 3. Will do another Mg testing (soon) and find a way to raise Mg. Do you have any good product in mind? Since it is such a crucial element, I shall categorize it under "price is not a concern" segment. 4. I don't usually change a lot of water. Too lazy for that and don't see a need. 5% to 10% usually. 7 to 10 days apart. Thanks bro for all your help
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