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Everything posted by jervismun

  1. See! It's quite evident in this pix
  2. I think the 400l/h recommended flow is insane I will use my Sicce Multi (internal) 2500l/h, so after all the travelling (head loss) should be around 1800 to 2000... enough or not?
  3. Bro your Green Tip Gonio is very nice leh... is it expensive? Does it open fully? Got pix to show it extending fully or not? Make me envy leh... mine
  4. Sorry... it's at Fish N Friends http://www.fishnfriends.com/FishSpecies/accessories/ I still need to rely of a little "adjuster" to reduce the 3g/h flow to 1g/h (as shown in the pix). I find 1g/h (roughly 1 drop of water per second) too little and slow, I increased it a little to 1.5g/h.
  5. I think RD is selling the NR400 on the net. You can check it out and go bargain at their shop Dosing Pump is around $250+... and don't even have to consider the MV Controller... the cost is totally out of proportion to the whole setup.
  6. The Dosing Pump is a good to have... you can try T-off if you do not want to invest too much on the NR. The Dosing Pump is around $250+ but u can always use it for something else next time like dosing Kalkwasser & etc.
  7. Ic... it's a good to have but not a necessity. I think it is easily $750 (if I am not wrong)... totally not worth it. CH told me not needed unless I am a control freak... must know exactly what's happening inside the NR... by testing the water of the outlet (like what I did 2 days ago) is good enough to tell if the NR is working or not
  8. Who did you talk to? Omg... whoever you talk to is going to pull your arms and legs off you... the LFS I talked to ask me not to waste money... that controller itself is 2 times more expensive than the NR400 and it will take constant maintenance, the probe is damn expensive!!! But if you really wanna get it, great! Do a review on it... I might need it later, but now, I shall focus on other necessities
  9. I used to keep one many years back (decom tank) a Green Parrot. It eats my Cleaner Shrimps for lunch It was such a horrible sight... I can still remember it till today... throw in 4 Cleaner Shrimps... all gone within 5 minutes
  10. When I bought my NR1000, they ran out of Deniballs, so they gave me a box of Denimar instead (while waiting for the next shipment) and they adjusted the price accordingly. No, if you buy the NR400, the balls are already filled inside. You may talk to LFS see if you want to take some Deniballs out and add in more housing for the bacterias (Bactoballs). Ask them, hear what they say...
  11. H&S got so cheap meh? Your water volume is less than 32 US Gallons, so considered a nano tank. You can try the Tunze Nano. It's tiny and quite efficient for your tank size. And it is sub $200.00!!! Check out Reefdepot.com.sg You can also consider the Aqua Medic Biostar Flotor, bro Hammy is using one. But it is beyond your budget.
  12. Emm... preferably not. Pianos are very sensitive to moisture (regardless saltwater or freshwater). You still can, but you must make sure the heater inside ur piano is "on" constantly or else the inside components will start to rust. 3ft is a safe distance
  13. Wow! It is so stunningly beautiful My new source of inspiration Is it hard to find locally?
  14. Hehe... thanks for the confirmation... but I still need to relocate the specimen coz my 4 Cleaner Shrimps are causing too much irritation
  15. According to Kent Marine, Strontium (plus Molybdenum) will enhance proper growth, corals will open more and stay attached to their skeletons better According to Aqua Marine, Strontium is essential for the production and maintenance of the skeleton of hard corals, the shell of reef mussels (like clams) and calcareous algae
  16. Hahaha... one thing bro. You see there are black and white balls in there? The black ones are bactoballs for bacteria to resides, the white ones are Deniballs, to feed the bacterias. I got a feeling you need more black balls than white. Do check with LFS what's the right proportion. Extra white balls must keep coz they are very valuable... they sell by piece!
  17. Ok, nice to know that you have a 3-step plan... implement it... I'm sure you will say goodbye to your NO3 very soon Remember not to eliminate NO3 to zero before installing the Nitratreductor. In fact, high NO3 level in the water will speed up the kicking-in process. Normally, NR will take more than 2 weeks to kick-in properly... if your NO3 is high, maybe shorter Call Cheng Hock, shipment arrive next few days, hopefully Deniballs will be available by then.
  18. Wow I have not seen such Anthias before... very nice Male specimen
  19. I'm very confused... bro KennethK told me that is an Alveopora...
  20. Emm... if that's the case, then I shall put your water to the test already lor... I'm sure the NO3 already lowered significantly by now... so have you decided on what kinda NO3 exporter u will be using? NO3 will always be there unless you have some form of exporting it. DI alone will not do the job unless you change water every day
  21. I have one Alveopora for a long time now, yeah it will extend, but they prefer low current
  22. Wah Sis... you got life demo from Henry?... I think I should visit again soon, been there once only
  23. Bro Altantis u been using the DI for so long? And you didn't share with me? I think you should listen to Seet and try out the PURA Nitratelock, just don't waste money on Seachem De*nitrate. Changing water is fine... but changing too much water in a short period of time will also cause other problem... not to mention the $$$ and the backbreaking experience. Until you can find another TK, I think you can trust my testing (9 May). I can come by again, if you need my help. As for the KH and Alkalinity, well done! I told ya... you must add bacteria every now and then to maintain the level... I've been dosing every night I might wanna try AQUATIM Review leh... Oh about the Leather... it's expected, with such high NO3, it's a miracle your 3 Nemos and the YT is still swimming around happily And don't waste time trying to culture a $4 coral... yes, you must find a way to detach it from the rock to save the Orange Rhodactis. All the best to you bro... I know you've been going though a lot... it's funny how we all choose a hobby that give us all so much problem... why can't we just go collect stamps or watch soccer?
  24. Wah I can't wait for my Hammer to start splitting... bro Hammy, you must come see the Hammer we bought together... record size today... right now, after 3 hrs of MH, it's bigger than my head... almost the size of a basketball!!! A very healthy and thriving specimen indeed
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