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Everything posted by jervismun

  1. So I guess I don't have to worry too much about my Gonios then... let them slowly extend...
  2. Think properly bro... em... I don't mean to be a vulture here, but if you really wanna give up, I am interested in a lot of your corals GBTA Zoos Frogspawn Bubble ... even ur Fromia Star!
  3. Wow! The flower pattern is a rare find indeed... do update us more on this specimen... who know... all the patterns will turn in flower-power!!!
  4. Yesterday, I tried injecting some Cyclopeeze and Reefroid on top of its mouth... no reaction... so no indication of the eating... I will still try again today anyway... thanks!
  5. Last pix of the day... this Hammer is so huge... it is as big as a basketball!!! And I got a feeling this is just the beginning... gotto start finding a place to place it Perhaps at the left corner.
  6. My Green Bubble... it's nice to see it conform to the shape of my LR... notice the two sides at the bottom Notice it growing larger and larger by the day... I hope it will not grow so big till it becomes a nuisance
  7. I know... I will get an ozonizer once everything is in place... my shopping list is still damn long... with no ending I can't add UV coz it will destroy all my System Reef-resh™. I will take the Ich problem as parts and parcels of the hobby... and shall see it as a way to cut down the amount of fish in my tank... so if any of them perishes... I shall think twice before replacing them.
  8. Oh dear... perhaps my "England" not good... NO LEAKING... Aqua Medic will sue me if they find out It's just a precautionary step I took, elevating the NR higher to reduce the pressure inside the NR. Coz this unit is originally designed to be used in-sump... so even after many rounds of improvements, the design is still not 100% water tight, especially after running for years... so the LFS advised me to put it higher, at least the same level as the tank.
  9. Oh dear... one thing I find their coral tanks a bit too low, I find it very uncomfortable shopping for corals there
  10. Too bad... I see white spots on its body now It is still eating like a pig... so hopefully it is stronger than it seems...
  11. Ok at least they have not bleached... so no melting lah... relax a bit Ah Pek always have unexpected shipment one... definitely worth a try
  12. I know... how long this specimen been with you? The tentacles also not very long leh... I expect them to be really long... reaching out for food... that kind
  13. Nite bro... I am so proud of you... restraining yourself from buying more LS... get ur water fixed then we go LFS shopping together... can't pass you Zoos coz my tank is under attack by Ich right now... dun wanna transfer stuff over
  14. I do hope so... my Yellow/Orange spotted Yumas have been in my tank for more than a week now... still adjusting? What are the chances of Yumas melting in a tank? T95... no idea. Been there yesterday but nothing much... old stuff.
  15. Wow! Let me guess... the water will be pumped into the Sulphur chamber (right) using a Dosing Pump or a T-off... then the water travel to the Hydrocarbon chamber (left) to increase back pH to acceptable level... at the same time dissolve a bit of Calcium along the way... am I right?
  16. So the problem is not with the MH... then I must really find out why my new shrooms are not opening... the old one (on the right) is opening like nobody's business!!!
  17. Thanks bro for your help New toy... looks like Sulphur based Denitrator lor... cool, show us the full set up lah! Maybe I can add that to my tank too Review Review Review
  18. Err... I am not collecting from bro Dersuz... really that nice? Maybe I can ask him for extra frags... can you post pix?
  19. My Red Gonio... opening more and more... at least longer tentacles than yesterday I have high hope on this specimen
  20. My Shrooms and Yumas are not opening well... especially the Pink/Red Mushroom on top (3 polyps)... could it be the MH is too strong? I am reducing my right side MH to 3 hours instead. I'm afraid all my shrooms "kena" bleach... anyone with experience of shrooms under strong MH? If it's not my MH, then what can be the possible cause of shrooms not opening? This is so frustrating
  21. Ohhh I think from US... I think the name is something like "Radioactive" something...
  22. That adjuster came with the NR. Actually, since you will have to use the adjuster in the end... you may want to consider connecting it to an existing pump (T-off). The extra Dosing pump will cost a lot and add heat to the tank... you can always buy the NR first, try the T-off option, if not happy then buy the Dosing Pump
  23. Hehe I'm using one too! Great product. Make sure you attach the string and always hold ur string while sliding left to right. Coz without the string, sometimes the magnet can drop and damage ur corals below. And be careful when u go near the sand bed, do not let any sand trapped between the magnets... or else you will have beautiful lines on your beautiful glass
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