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Everything posted by jervismun

  1. Thanks guys for all the "crazy" ideas... I will try to freeze the tank, remove Big Mama and revive the tank after the removal... hahaha just watched MI:3 ... wait if the water is also frozen, how to take out Big Mama?!? I know, I will make a glove that looks like anemone... so when she is in my palm... I can just squeeze tight-tight I will use CYANIDE!!!
  2. If it's not clogged... if not the return pump... only one possibility then... the mounting...or could it be a design fault? I know Tunze has similar design overflow box... do you think they all work the same? Or some better than others?
  3. You ordered Reefroid samples? Free one hah? Hehe... your corals and fishies will love it!
  4. Only now I realised there's so much to the saltmix itself... I didn't know they may differ that greatly!!! I still can't believe the very low KH and low Mg No wonder I'm experiencing low KH all the time and my Mg been depleting steadily What about Tropic Marin Pro? Have you ever tried using it?
  5. Wah quite convincing... makes me wanna jump ship already... my NR1000 been running for 4 weeks now, NO3 is still maintained at 10. Can't go lower than that Definitely the Sulphur based reactors are much more effective... bro Altantis, do consider carefully... but I suggest you get a quote first, coz this setup may involve a lot of equipments... now have to connect to your skimmer more degassing...
  6. So cute... I already have 1 in my tank now... if I am to add another similar size specimen, you think they will fight? Do they school? Emm... a nice piece of Zoos in the backdrop... bro all ur Zoos are doing extremely well in my tank, some developed better colours... must be the Reef-resh I've been dosing
  7. Yeah they will survive... but still need to find out the culprit lor... I don't want my LS to eat each other Someone is adding in something very colourful very soon How soon bro? Bro if you wanna let go of one (smaller one), do let me know ok? My sand bed is getting messy
  8. Very healthy indeed... my Spotted Mandarin feed on pellets too Have you ever seen them sleeping on the sand bed... very fun to look at, slighly buried their body, you only see the top part of the fish, looks like very flat and skinny and motionless
  9. Bro... very sad leh... my Sand Sifting Star only left with 3 arms... dunno why... now in hiding some more
  10. Not bad at all... Your water looks very cloudy leh...
  11. I know already... ur LIZARD!!! Wow bro ur macro not bad
  12. Hey Altantis... don't tempt people like that lah... this product will only reach Sg roughly end year I think... and the price is totally outrageous... you make me drool already... I wanna add 4 of those into my tank
  13. Hey sis... that's a simple but sufficient setup u have there... every essential parts have been taking care of... and I love the fact that u only do water change every 3 to 4 weeks... heaven How you find Biohome? Coz I am seriously considering replacing my bioballs (slowly). Yes... PIX PIX PIX
  14. Nope... don't think I can find a water bottle with such huge "neck" When it comes to BIG MAMA... you don't use bottles
  15. Shocking!!! Aqua Medic Reefsalt result: pH: 7.8 KH: 4.8!!! Nitrate: 2 (not using RO/DI) Phosphate: 0 (our tap water not bad ) Calcium: 390 Magnesium: 960!!! Damn! AM Reefsalt is a very very bad salt mix... I'm gonna abandon it already. Bro Loster, what's the best salt mix to use if U want to have high Mg (and hopefully KH)?
  16. She looks angry all the time... coz she killed her own husband I will find a way to catch it out efficiently and will be posting her for adoption soon.
  17. Actually... I think I will buy lor... it's snappy and projects confidence!!! I still have not come across a Ric Florida... I wanna at least try a piece Sis, mind sharing with us more pix of ur setup and equipments?
  18. This Big Mama... yeah kinda big boops... kinda black... but definitly not a cop... she's a clown by profession I will subsidize fish food for 1 year for interested future owner* * Terms and conditions apply, please check fine text below ............................... ................................... ............................. ................................. (Sorry, too fine you probably can't read)
  19. A very nice piece of overflow box you got there... could it be clogging? As you mentioned... slower as time passes... so must be the comb or somewhere got clogged. The overflow comb looks quite fine to me... could that be the case? Another reason is... you probably use too powerful return pump. You exceeds the capacity of the overflow box. Use a smaller pump, or control its flow. The problem might just go away
  20. Hahaha... I think ATI should use that as a advertising tagline... "ATI... because we are too damn BRIGHT "
  21. Becoz ur tank is making way for Big Mama... embrace your destiny
  22. From washing machine? Tunze selling it, check RD.com.sg
  23. But it's kinda strange to see Hammer get bleached by T5... my 2 Hammers are very happy under my 2 x 150W MH... perhaps you bought a White Hammer... got such thing or not?
  24. I know... but no choice lor... this is just a hobby and people come and go... just like everything else in life Don't worry, you will still have me (at least for the next year or so)... I'm sure there will be new blood flowing in soon
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