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Everything posted by jervismun

  1. Is it?!? If I open "concept" LFS store... you guys must vow lifetime support lor... or else surely close within 6 months
  2. Emm... let me try... Orange Spotted Green Hairy Mushroom? Hey bro... very nice specimen there... if any sign of distress I can volunteer coral-sit it for you... will "toll" 1 polyp lor
  3. My Shroom Gallery... with Pink/Orange Ric.F on the bottom left... still not fully open yet
  4. I know...I was about to say that... I think the green is nicer than some SPS lor
  5. Emm... why not if I manage to cultivate lots of them
  6. Spotted Mandarin been bullied... who could've done such a cruel act?
  7. Ok that's a good strategy... maybe I can frag a polyp or two for you next time Red Ruby... yum yum
  8. Hehe... you want? Ask bro Hammy... the Zoos is so expensive, I have to share a frag with him
  9. Bro u might need to post a pix under normal lighting in order for us to help ID
  10. I wonder how it will look like once fully open... now still pretty much closed like yesterday
  11. A dozen of Moorish Idols can look really nice too... yeah swimming in circles
  12. If you have the budget, getting a Tunze 6000 + Single Controller is good enough for a 3 ft. Alternatively, SEIOs are quite well known too... but yes, if you want your corals to stay healthy, you need all-round circulation... bad water circulation can also increase algae (especially on the sand bed) and high nutrients as all the detritus and poos are trapped on the sand bed or live rocks.
  13. Emm... I have not seen my poor 3-legged star for a while now... let me search for it
  14. Err bro... you bought second hand? If yes, how old is the chiller?
  15. Hehe... this is what I call RARE Zoos Can someone help ID this Zoos please? And for once... the Zoos are actually much much prettier than the pix... no matter how good in Photoshop... unable to reproduce its beauty... sorry guys
  16. My very green Frogspawn... with the unidentified (quite rare) green leather in the background
  17. NEW ZOOS!!! The small frag on top... Sparkling Red Zoos (unofficial name)... the bottom frag is the one I bought yesterday
  18. Sounds like a very interesting plan... let me get hold of more exotic Zoos... I am going full force now... getting all the rare Zoos I can find... once I have something worthy, will check the freight cost
  19. Seriously... do you guys doze-off in front of the tank? I think this hobby is too relaxing... when I sit on my comfy chair in front of the tank... under actinic blue... I can doze-off in 15 minutes... happens all the time
  20. The Green is the true colour of this particular clam... u can only see its true colour from the top... the glass somehow distorted the colour
  21. Bro... sad to hear that... I may have 10000 Zoos but sad to say... I'm no Zoos expert (yet)... what colour/morph is that particular colony? I'm not sure if removing that colony will help much as the Filefish may start nipping on other Zoos... or worse... more expensive LPS
  22. Hehe your Yuma looks brown under actinic blue
  23. Finally... a chance to see Prata eating
  24. You use a bit of food and inject on the close polyps... if they are "still alive"... they will open within 5 to 10 minutes
  25. Wait till u see my Hammers and Frogspawns in action... sway and sway... I always doze-off in front of the tank lately
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