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Everything posted by jervismun

  1. Me upgrading?!? No lah... can't afford a Deltec tank yet ... more like downgrading this round... thinking of changing my MH to T5 instead... the corals are very happy/healthy under MH... I am the only one sufferring... oh the chiller too (poor Italian guy). Yeah... never never catch a fish out using a net, you will hurt/stress others along the way... not worth it... I have been trying trap a bit... but no success lor... will try to go buy a more reliable fish trap soon
  2. PMed you... yes this Saturday (before noon) is good... I am also very interested in some of your fishes... let me know if you are letting them go
  3. Welcome to the club bro!!! Nice little setup... em... u mentioned Damsels? What kinda Damsels? How many? Coz Damsels can get quite territorial in a small tank, so you may find them annoying once they accustomed to the new tank... but since your tank is quite small, catching them out later will not have a problem. General rule: It's easy to add in fish... damn hard to retrieve them especially once your tank is established with corals and all
  4. Bro ur flow too strong!!! You need to adjust it... seriously... those Yumas are very delicate one ler
  5. Hey bro... ur publicity not very convincing lor... yes, it was made in Italy... one of the remaining models out there still made fully in Europe
  6. Wah I can see 1 Stream already... where's the other one?
  7. No way I'm gonna chop my beautiful Hammer Bro Altantis, you may wanna try Hammers coz you need corals with lots of movements to unveil the power of ur new Tunzes
  8. Emm... I dunno how to frag Hammer yet But if it is to continue growing at this pace... I will have to find ways
  9. Very good... will ensure dry operation up there... perfect!!! Also, will separate the heat released by the drivers and transformers from the main tank.
  10. That Driver... you must keep it dry ok... I short-circuit the PCB last week... mini accident... luckily RD got spare part to replace
  11. Thanks for the promo bro... haha already sold... wanna help me promote my Chiller?
  12. Tunze manuals are translated from German, so sometimes you need to read a few times to understand what they trying to say... just like the Salifert test kits Coz the Multicontroller is so so complex... and so many configurations... you may need to ask Seet for more advice.
  13. Bro that set of Tunze is damn solid equipments... I envy you lor can have 2 pieces of Stream 6000... I can't fit them into my tank without causing a hurricane... you must read the manual properly... their translation is not entirely accurate sometimes
  14. Damn Let me guess... 2 x Stream 6000 and a Multicontroller 7095
  15. Yalor... talking of which... I think we all need to sleep earlier lor... I have to rely on my morning cup of "super" powerful coffee to keep me awake and alert throughout the day...
  16. No problem... but firstly you need to post a pix lor
  17. Hey... share with us your toys!?!? Oh... if your toy is 2 pieces of Stream 6000... be aware that Yumas don't like strong current. That will be your next challenge... once your Streams are in... you will have to rearrange almost all your corals to fit the new current pattern. Have fun and it can take days
  18. Can your "secret" sponsorer get me my True Blue Zoos also? I don't mind paying... just help me bring it over from the Carribeans
  19. Yeah sliced into 20000 pieces!!?!?! Mine, I removed it once I see sign of distress... too afraid at that time.
  20. No such thing one lor... but the auntie very nice... she ask me to bring the Xena to other tanks with actinic blue to see the effect... such nice woman... how not to buy from her?... I'm sure you know who I am referring to
  21. Ok lor... my anemone... gone to heaven ler
  22. Emm... the colour is not fantastic... no wonder it sells as a rock... not per polyp... well hopefully the colouration will improve along the way
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