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Senior Reefer
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Everything posted by jervismun

  1. Went LFS shopping with another reefer during lunch time... didn't expect to buy any LS... but seriously can't resist this Anyone can guess what's this?
  2. Got some very nice looking Yellow Tangs and Flame Angels... from Hawaii (if I'm not wrong)
  3. Just came back from Aquamarin... the Maximas shipment just arrived
  4. 1 possible reason is overstocking in such a short period of time... I suggest you test your Ammonia, Nitrite and Nitrate... all the best bro
  5. Yes looks like Anemone... the base is fluorescent green also
  6. From my experience with SPS... although lighting play a major role in colouration... there are also other major and minor factors... can't wait to see some nice SPS close-up shots especially through those clear acrylic... my float glass tank distorted the colour quite significantly (just like looking at a Clam through glass)
  7. You can try Montipora (Encrusted and Plating), Digitata and some Acropora... try those Indo cultured specimens for higher success rate
  8. But it's quite difficult to get it to work properly... my second attempt
  9. Catched this bugger off the A. Granulosa I bought yesterday... Hairy Crabs are real pests
  10. Restarted the Grotech Phytobreeder yesterday... looking quite hi-tech
  11. Why not? Give SPS a try Just make sure you have a Calcium Reactor on stand-by
  12. So smart I will take a shot of the remaining piece tomorrow
  13. Wow bro!!! Love your "Mao Mao" Stag very much!!! Care for a frag exchange?
  14. I must've been really desperate just now... what was I thinking
  15. Badly needed some yellow... bought this Yellow Acropora... possibly a Sameonsis
  16. A common Pink Acropora... the pink is a bit light... hopefully will colour up soon
  17. Here's my first Acropora Granulosa Actually it consists of 2 pieces stacked together to form a larger colony
  18. You just have to take back what's yours
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