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Everything posted by jervismun

  1. wah.. bro dkk08' date=' very pro liao leh After 2 crashes... surely learned a lot lah! True sis, patience will do the tank good especially if you are new... take the time to learn more, ask more questions, read books (Kino very good one hor... I can sit on the floor reading for 3 hours )... and you need basic test kits. What salt mix are you using? Here's something I learned recently... 1. Different salt mix (in terms of brand) comes with various composition. The most important elements to look for is KH, Calcium and Magnesium. 2. Some brands higher in Calcium and KH but very low in Magnesium. Some the other way round. Although very complex, all you need to know is all three elements are extremely crucial to the tank. You need all 3 to be in optimum levels to succeed. 3. I started my tank using Aqua Medic Reef Salt (quite expensive). I faced Magnesium problem as the composition of the AMRS is: Extremely low KH, high Ca, low Mg. Of all 3 elements, Magnesium is the most expensive to maintain... it's real damn expensive!!! So, after getting some advice from some bros here, I settled for Marine Environment Salt instead. 4. Marine Environment: Low in KH, high Ca, acceptable level of Mg. I am very happy I made the switch!!! KH is extremely cheap to maintain, so just bring up the level before changing water. Hope this helps!
  2. Oh yeah... I remember now, I've seen some PL fixtures at AM (J. Kayu)
  3. For ur tank size, u will have to stick to PL (I think)... but I am no expert in PL... other bros can help?
  4. It's normal... don't worry so much... are you upgrading your lights coz 18W is not sufficient for corals in the long term... got a feeling you can't keep corals longer than 1 month, they will not die immediately but will starve and then die slowly. Look for stronger PL
  5. Bro... your shrimps are doing exercise lor... ... you touch my breasts... I touch your chests... you touch my tummy... I touch your torso... can I touch you there?... yes yes yes!!! What else could they be doing?
  6. Change in plan... I will stick to my existing Stream
  7. New toy? Me? Err... unfortunately nothing lor... only new fishies
  8. Yupe... that's the correct definition of what a protein skimmer does... Does the air pump comes together or you bought separately? Coz your air pump might be underpower therefore not enough bubble is created. On the other hand... almost all protein skimmers have to go through a running-in phase (around 2 to 3 days) before they function properly... so it could be the reason... no harm letting it run for another 2 days before throwing it away Another possible explaination is... you tank water is too clean... as this kind of air pump driven skimmer is not highly effective... it may take a lot more dirty water to allow the skimmer to work properly. Hope this helps
  9. Wow... Eagle Eyes... can show us more exotic Zoos?
  10. Emm... I wonder how this skimmer works... doesn't look like a proper skimmer design to me
  11. Only the eyes glow under the actinic blue
  12. The BE Anthias under actinic blue... not very exciting lor
  13. That's why I bought a Doctor fish today
  14. A Tunze Nano costs $199... definitely a good piece of equipment if budget allows
  15. Emm... the product name sucks!!! It's quite misleading... how am I suppose to read it? "Super Copper" or "Copper Safe"... whatever it is... replace the water instantly... copper is the most effective treatment against ich... so I expect copper to be in there .
  16. Wow you got a Pink specimen? Is it rare?
  17. Oh dear... quickly replace the water... the Super Copper Medication will do more harm to the tank... especially to the LR... you may wanna consider to start anew
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