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Everything posted by jervismun

  1. Hi guys It's me again... as you all know... I always buy stuff without proper planning hence another piece of equipment for sale. Reason for selling: The OR can't fit into my back compartment Bought it from Aqua Mart 3 weeks ago (receipt as proof) Retail price: $195 Pasar Malam price: $125 (non neg.) Freebies: 2kg Aqua Medic Reef Salt Collection any time at Woodlands / Mohamed Sultan Road / Orchard area First "pay" first serve basis...
  2. Can you show us a pix of the skimmate? From there, we can tell how much your new skimmer is removing from your water
  3. Bro Altantis... the quest here is to keep our water temperature as stable as possible (without much effort from our side)... that is to maintain at 27ºC the whole day regardless of the weather outside. That's what a chiller is for... your current method is working but requires too much attention... how long can you continue to switch on and off your air con unit according to your tank temperature? Having said that, getting a chiller is no easy task... even if money is not an issue... getting it into the house is hard... coz it's so so obstructive to our lifestyle... the noise... the heat... the piping... the electric bill... this is one piece of equipment I come to hate... and love at the same time... Trust me... your wife will surely say something one lor... If your corals are doing fine... don't worry too much Start worrying when you see your beautiful Yumas melting
  4. (Top to bottom) 1. Aqua Medic (AM) Nitratreductor 1000 w/ AM Dosing Pump SP3000 [to help maintain NO3 at <10] - 4.5W Water from main tank ---> overflow comb ---> 2. Prefilter Sponge [added recently, first line of defense... using Aqua Master Polyester Fibre... help reduce water splashing sound too] ---> 3. AM Turboflotor Percula Protein Skimmer w/ AM PH2000 [primary wastes/nutrients extractor... wet skimming] - 19W ---> 4. AM Bactoballs [water rush through a channel originally designed for sponge... use bioballs instead to maintain a more consistent flow as sponge may get blocked sometimes affecting the flow... the high amount of flow (approx. 2500l/h) will avoid nutrients build-up] ---> 5. Aquapharm SORB-4 [water rush out of the channel directly on a bag (200g) of SORB-4... recently added to further reduce PO4... very successful as the growth of algae was significantly reduced... PO4 is maintained at <0.03] ---> 6. Chiller Teco RA240 using Aquabee 3000 [outlet at the right most compartment using split head with duckbeak... temperature is maintained at 27ºC] - 225W + 45W ---> 7. Circulation pump using Aquabee 1000 [water is then return to the main tank via a split head with duckbeak] - 10W ---> 8. AM Phosphatfiler using Aquabee 500 [water pump into Phosphatfiler... filled with 50% Antiphos 50% Carbolit... water is filled top down... using gravity to help increase flow hence a much smaller pump is needed] - 5W ---> 9. Tunze Osmolator [sensors are positioned here to auto top-up water to accurately maintain the level of water inside the chambers] ---> 10. Tunze Filter (Retrofit] [additional mechanical filter] - 15W I will find use for the right most compartment (lowest in the pix)... currently this chamber is under utilized and the LR I dumped in there are collecting way too much detritus aka Nitrate factory. Any suggestions?
  5. Hahaha... I hope you fall sick tomorrow then
  6. Heh... people interested so far: 5... need 10 more
  7. Starting to plan my Lighting pattern... lights can now be centrally controlled up to 1 second precision I may use the IKS to control my chiller + pump too, the IKS will allow me to set my chiller to different temp (26ºC night / 28ºC noon) to align with the amount of lighting. This will mimic closer to nature and also to lighten some burden off my underpower Teco RA240. The pump connecting to the chiller will only run when there's a need to chill the water... this will allow energy saving and less heat generated within the system. This idea of mine will not be possible using conventional electronic timer. For the above simulation, I will be using the Timer function and the Temperature control function I will try to come up with more ideas to fully utilize the IKS Aquastar
  8. Not so pretty sight #2: Pink Goniopora... still not opening
  9. Not so pretty sight #1: 2 polyps Yuma is melting... the pink is so intense... what a waste
  10. My Green Leather (background) is discharging slimy film
  11. No idea where got cheap piping... but don't give up bro... emm... how big is your refugium? I gave up my Chaeto coz their presence are way too insignificant for my tank... why don't you rely on phos and nitrate remover to do the job?
  12. Wow! You bought a new Yuma? Very nice indeed
  13. Chiller will help maintain your tank temperature +/- 1ºC. Aircon doesn't... what if you go for a 1 week holiday? Emm... I've been looking at a few brands and I think Arctica is quite a good one You can get the 1/4hp model... check RD.com.sg But installation is gonna be quite a mess
  14. Wow... seems like we are recommending all the solid stuff here... bro I'm sure you realize this by now... great equipments command great prices!!! Haha... but for me, I will definitely invest on a great circulation/return pump and a great protein skimmer The rest can come later...
  15. Wow! I have 3 Aestra Snails in my tank... lol! Wow TOTM!!! Somehow doesn't come as a surprise... your tank is definitely TOTM material even from the start!!! I am getting my IKS Aquastar next week!!!
  16. Wah considering chiller huh? To be honest... a chiller is unavoidable lor... can't always rely on air-conditioning to cool the tank... shop around... chiller is very expensive to own and to maintain
  17. Manual controlling the white light is not the best solution... u need to provide constant no. of hours per day... put them on timer, your 2 white tubes will not affect the temp much. Another way is to switch off the blue once the white is on, you can overlap them 30 minutes or so. Remember, your corals need white more than blue That's why I am getting the iks, I will use the computer to set and control the lighting pattern much more accurate (down to 1 second precision) and will use temperature to control a lot of my equipments. Hehe... the possibilities are quite limitless and I love it!
  18. Finally... coralline spotted on the glass surface My tank is maturing
  19. Wow! You have so many SEIOs in there!!! Lovely!
  20. Guys, I came across a programme called OCEAN AMBASSADOR presented by Underwater World Sentosa. It's a 2 day, 5 hours each session for group of at least 15 participants. I have no information on the fees yet, but if you guys are interested, I can do some homework. Here are some of the activities: 1. Marine life conservation talk 2. Guided tour of the Underwater World 3. Behind-the-scene tour 4. Meet the trainers 5. Meet-the-Dolphin session 6. Dolphin interaction 7. Assist in food preparation 8. Feeding of animals 9. Washing of fish kitchen 10. Blah blah blah... I don't dare to post in the main forum... thinking of doing is low-key... so do let me know if you guys are interested, we can bring our partners, friends and family members along (sorry, only 13 yo and above). People interested so far: 4
  21. I am not an expert in plumbing... not a DIY person... can't help you much in that sense... but I do believe in getting the right equipments for the right job... in your case you need 2 reliable, low wattage, silent and low heat pumps... and if Atman ain't the right pumps for the job, I recommend you shop around first before buying them Pumps are one of the few equipments that will run 24/7... so must go for the best! I just upgraded all my pumps/powerheads from Sicce to Aquabee. To me, the upgrading is worth the effort and $$$.
  22. Bro what's ur temperature right now? If your temperature is around 29ºC in normal days (say evening with air-conditioning)... then you seriously need to consider getting a chiller...
  23. I believe so... but at a much reduced heat... I guess they are alright
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