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Everything posted by jervismun

  1. Hi guys I am getting my IKS soon... just want to get some info so that I can make the most out of it... for sharing
  2. Reborn shrunk to a scary proportion... nothing much left Are they closing down soon?
  3. Haha... not sign but I need a license to keep this tang... Oh the new Tang is so so beautiful under actinic blue
  4. It is.... it's called Radiation Tang from the coast of Nagasaki
  5. New Tang on the block... this little guy is too beautiful to resist
  6. Yay!!! My Spotted Mandarin's tail recovered... reported torn 19/05/06 (10 days ago)
  7. Hahaha... loser... so are they feeding already? Envy envy envy
  8. Wah!!! Moorish Idol How long has it been in your tank? Mine after a week
  9. Nah... they are relatively easy to keep... they do need plenty of lights though... how many hours you "manual" on your white light? Bro, try to put them on timer instead... u r putting a lot of stress on yourself lor...
  10. Hi bro... have you tried logging into Reefdepot.com.sg? They do offer delivery to nearby countries (I suppose)... I know them quite well... if $$$ is not an issue... then you shouldn't settle for second-class equipments
  11. Emm... sorry for always suggesting exp stuff... China pump... do remember that "not-so-superior" pumps consume more energy and emit more heat to the tank. That's what I observe after my upgrading from Sicce (Italian) to Aquabee (German)... so if compared to China brand... I'm sure the difference gonna be very significant. I am so confident with my Aquabees now I lowered myt tank temperature from 27ºC to 26ºC. I have a spare Sicce Multi 2500,. let me know if u r interested. Can offer u installment plan if you interested
  12. Yeah R&N always have very nice Hammers/Torch/Frogspawn... they sometimes bring in nice leather too... I bought my uncommon Green Leather from R&N Don't rush down today, they close on Mondays
  13. Hehe... it is a Torch Wah bro... suddenly you have 10000 waving tentacles in your tank
  14. My Perc 90... 3ft by 2ft by 2ft (with IOS)
  15. Not everyone is as lucky as you... I can't place my chiller by the window... so yes, it warms the room considerably especially during warm days... I got a fan on almost 24/7 to improve air circulation around the room and the tank.
  16. I think you can also hang the LR from above... must be done carefully... not impossible
  17. Emm... yes there are plenty of 2000l/h pumps out there... or you can invest in a Tunze Circulation pump (adjustable) that costs $199.00 (check RD.com.sg) Don't give up... I might need your experience in setting up refugium... coz I am planning to turn my right compartment into a refugium... not so much to control nutrients but to stabilize pH at night. But need to do some mods to the chamber in order to achieve optimum flow... so may take a while.
  18. Anemone comes in different forms... but if it moves around... most probably anemone lor... post a pix, if a bad anemone, this is the best time to remove it
  19. I don't know if my coralline bloom is a direct result of actinic blue... but I do on my blue T5 for very long... around 12 hours a day. You NO3 control is not good enough... 20 is enough to affect coral growth... since you are so heavily stocked... don't think you can just rely on chemical... gonna be very expensive in the long run... I suggest you consider Sulphur based reactor... do check with some other bros for pros and cons... but it is much more effective compared to Denitrator NR1000 (for example). You can check out the Deltec model
  20. I believe so... the tube is half white half blue right? You can try with Zoos and mushroom first... even leather once ur tank is ready
  21. Bro your tank is looking more and more breathtaking... just one thing... the upper portion is too bare, planning to heighten your LR formation a bit? Currently ur corals just stop at mid level
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