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Everything posted by jervismun

  1. Oh you are too generous with your comments Glad you find inspirations in my thread... that's the true purpose of this FORUM I believe... thank you too for dropping by very so often... lets keep our passion alive... just like the Olympic torch My Prata forming the shape of a torch to celebrate our passion in this wonderful hobby!!!
  2. Firstly... yes, I think abandoning it for a while is gonna do you good... especially after so many failed attempts. As for the chemical... em... I think some bro using Nitratlock and Phosbuster... both with good/instant results. You can check RD site for full product name and price. However, chemical is only for short term solution (IMO). If you corals esp. your Gonio is opening so huge... I guess you tank is not in crisis... care to share your parameters with us?
  3. How's your fan garden doing? I need to provide high flow though... probably hide mini Tunze inside the cave
  4. Sorry I can't help you much on this... perhaps you seek another opinion coz I am a real "dummy" when it comes to DIY/experiments... that's why I go for brand instead
  5. I actually considered that... the problem with Suns down there is feeding difficulty... gonna be damn hard to reach every single polyp... am also considering Sea Fan
  6. Hehe... I will go get my first Plate Monti soon... will probably look around if any reefers are fragging
  7. The current is just going to be too strong... I just need a way to clear off the corners... I am happy with my single Stream 6100 as the flow is strong enough... often too strong for my Yumas
  8. A FTS Emm... the deep shadow under the Hammer... what kinda corals can I put down there? It looks a bit too empty at the moment May move my Hammers to a corner instead coz it's taking too much space
  9. Even my Chevy is giving the King some "face" (hehe... no more ich)
  10. Come all... bow to the King of Toyland ... this guy's been molting every 2 weeks... growing at an alarming rate
  11. Bro Tedb... you are revealing my plans
  12. Err... I thought... nvm I will get a blenny soon
  13. I added a Mini Tunze (existing powerheads) to the front right corner blowing downwards. As the Tunze Stream blows diagonally towards the left, the current fails to circulate fully to this particular blind spot... hence algae bloom on this patch of sand bed. Still trying... if it works well, will get another 3 more to be positioned on each corner. I will set a timer to only run these "flush" powerheads twice daily, 30 minutes each time. So 4 mini x 4W = 16W only What you guys think? Note: The floating detritus is a result of running the mini
  14. But they usually look very hideous
  15. New guy on the block... a cute little Randall [psst... you see the dirty sand bed? That's why I am getting this little guy... perhaps more to come ]
  16. I am planning to keep this soon... I love how it grows out of the LR... is it hard to keep considering it is a SPS... all the best!
  17. After 20 hours... my Aqua Medic Turboflotor is still working like a horse ... sorta remind me of bro Colinsoon's avatar
  18. Wah ATI Aquablue Special... how does it compare to Aqualight? I am using 1 DD Blue Plus, 1 Aqualight blue.
  19. Ok now what you need to do is wait and monitor your water parameters... since you've done something drastic to the LR (as mentioned by bro Aquabeanz) you will have to go through the painful process of cycling all over again. Depends on what kinda person you both are... if you guys are the patient type... then spend the extra time learning... the curing of LR / A N N cycling will probably take 3 weeks at least. Another suggestion... if space is not a constraint, you may also wanna consider upgrading it to a 2 footer right away... I can see the passion in both of you and maintaining a tiny little tank offers not much fun as you can easily fill it up within a day or two... I got this feeling that you guys can afford a larger system... go for it!!! Doesn't have to be complicated or high-end but you do need a proper protein skimmer. If you are interested... we can discuss this further... I'm sure a lot of bros out there can help you guys set up a dream tank... a larger one. Oh... a larger tank is more stable in terms of water parameters... I used to run a 24G Nano Cube, everytime something happens in the tank, I will panic coz I know the impact is gonna be great... now I can relax a bit... even a fish is to go missing...
  20. Refugium replacing skimmer?!? Nothing can replace our good ol' protein skimmer Don't expect too much from your macroalgae lor... frankly, even Clams like Crocea and Maxima can export nutrients... but it's hard to keep them in significant numbers to bring any visible improvements... unless one keeps 25 clams in a 3ft... perhaps that will help bring down NO3... quite senseless right? The same theory applies for macroalgae too... you need quatity... or else you will just do more damage to the biotope by trying to reduce crucial elements such as the protein skimmer. Macroalgae in a separate compartment is good for one thing though... to help maintain pH at night. That will be the only reason if I am to reintroduce macroalgae back into my IOS. I rather rely on equipments to export nutrients (I've bought them anyway). One thing you must remember about macroalgae... care must also be taken to make sure they thrive... if they are to rot in your IOS... all the nutrients absorbed earlier will be release back into the water ... so yes, macroalgae can be quite unpredicatable especially when it comes to "turning asexual"... something I've yet to understand fully.
  21. You are placing it directly on your LR? My Crocea attached itself so hard I have had so much difficulty removing it from my LR. But luckily it survived the "plucking"
  22. Very nice neon green tentacles... mine can open very big... so I'm sure yours will in these 2 days
  23. The orange spots are some sorta sponge, they are harmless. The snail can throw back into the tank (if not dead already). The white spots... can't really tell. The rest can go down the chute Well done bro!!!
  24. Why don't you post some pix... maybe we can make the REfugium work
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