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Everything posted by jervismun

  1. Yes a wise investment... a ph controller will definitely help avoid such melt down
  2. And the photography is first class
  3. Love the splash guard... planning to do something to my sump cabinet too... safety first
  4. The effect is quite charming... lovely
  5. I stick the Hydor Moonlight at the edge of my ATI Powermodule... looks so cool
  6. Bought 1 to try... will post some pix later... very very impressed
  7. Boss... thanks for dropping by... still a lot to learn... still a long way to go
  8. Improved colouration on my recently introduced A. Granulosa 19 Sep 07 02 Oct 07 But not much growth... definitely a slow grower
  9. Lots of Sea Fan... nice... and I apologize on behalf of my fanatic secret admirer
  10. You guys... give me a short break lah Ok will post some pix tonight I am enjoying my life outside reefing right now
  11. I've bought a tube and it works fine for me... I will do a demo when I have the time this weekend As for the "Conman Conwoman" statement... I think AM must be damn desperate to tried so hard (waste so much saliva) to sell a tube of glue for $36
  12. Are they common here? I saw a lot of them in Sydney Aquarium's show tanks
  13. Yupe! Got this frag from the LFS main tank... gotto beg for them to sell me actually Australian Whiskers Coral (Duncanopsammia Axifuga) Hopefully the colour will improve
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